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Fixed :D


Don't you diss the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. That comic is pure awesome!


Time does indeed fly. 


And yes, stooges I have been around in here THAT long...if not longer lol....




It might sound strange, but we have been here since March, I think. Around 800 pages ago? PD?


But wait...my news has improved..


My wife has just texted me to say she can't be bothered cooking tonight so its Take away pizza for me!


Remind her of the 68 minutes!

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Wayward Pines is getting pretty crazy- only two episodes left. I haven't even started Mr. Robot yet, and I am only 3 episodes deep into iZombie.


Sadly, Scrotal Recall is apparently only one six-episode season. It's odd- the initial hook is "guy gets STD and has to contact all of his previous partners," but the show ends up being about late twentysomethings and their relationships. It gets a lot of the awkward, stuck-between-commitment-and-loneliness stuff absolutely right.


It's funny- as much trash as there is out there on TV, it seems like there has been a return to good episodic television in the past few years. It's just that most of it is on cable or online rather than on network television.

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Scrotal Recall - the initial hook is "guy gets STD and has to contact all of his previous partners,"




Yeah, i think you guys have only been here about four months or so..but certainly gave the thread a shot in the arm!


Just seems like you have been around a lot longer lol...


Aww, that's sweet. Although I don't get the arm part... back-handed compliment?


Heh, I have been married almost 9 years now...gone are the days of regular 68 minutes!  Especially with a young kid that literally wakes if a mouse farts in the garden six streets away, any amount of minutes is a bonus!  ;)


No one said you have to get all 68 minutes in one go.

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And Dirial, are your families like ours in that as soon as you were together it was  "when are you getting engaged?"


Then it was "when are you getting married?"


And once you are married, its immediately "When are you having kids?"



I'm being pestered for the 3rd point at the moment, I think it's unfair on the Mrs to being another Kid into the equation when she already has me!! 

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And Dirial, are your families like ours in that as soon as you were together it was  "when are you getting engaged?"


Then it was "when are you getting married?"


And once you are married, its immediately "When are you having kids?"


No. Our families were very no-pressure all the time. They were pretty surprised when we got engaged. My wife makes it a point to drink alcohol on major gatherings, but that's about all there is.

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Didn't make it through the work day, had to come home.


Also, I can attest to "When are you having kids?"... most of my husband's family eventually gave up though and started passing around the rumor that we didn't want them.

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Didn't make it through the work day, had to come home.


Also, I can attest to "When are you having kids?"... most of my husband's family eventually gave up though and started passing around the rumor that we didn't want them.

Sorry to hear that Victoria, although that is a rumour I plan to sprwad myself at the next family event.

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Ugh, child-spawning pressure...so aggravating. The girlfriend has an easy shut-down: it's effectively impossible for her to have children. "I am physically unable to have children" usually shuts people up.


It's incredibly rude. It'd be like asking parents when they are sending their children to boarding school, and when they inevitably scoff, insisting on telling them how much better off their children would be if they went, then bringing it up every subsequent time you see them.

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I never really got pressured by my parents about marriage or children when I was younger, honestly. I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that they divorced after 25 years of being married. Granted my father wasn't particularly happy with my then-wife, but he got over it. We have a son too, so no pressure for children either. Same went for my sister as well (also married, and now with 2 boys of her own).


I find a lot of this ironic since they're immigrants to the US, and were raised in traditional Chinese families. After hearing some of the horror stories that some of my other Chinese friends went through, I actually consider myself pretty lucky in that regard.

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It's funny, living in probably the most liberal area of the country, the attitude is sort of reversed.


"You're having kids? ...like, on purpose?"



(Which is an attitude I do not mind at all)


You have no idea... I remember going to Richmond, VA on a business trip about 10 years ago, and a company colleague had mistook me for another person from another office *insert joke about all Asians looking alike*, and she had asked me how my wife and kids were.


My response, word for word was: "Oh God, I'm not married yet. I'm only 25." 


Meanwhile, one of the department heads who was my age at the time had just celebrated his 2nd wedding anniversary, and was expecting his first born child. It's funny how different people only a few hundred miles away seem to be. :P

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There's a member of my girlfriend's high school graduating class who is expecting a second grandchild.


Note that we are both still under 40.


Southeastern US stereotypes, anyone? At least it's the same guy as the first grandchild, but they haven't finished high school yet! :huh:

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I just saw a few weeks back a kid on a 3 wheeled bike who was driving behind his mom scream crying like it was the end of the world and I looked at a friend of mine who's soon having a kid and asked him straight up "so that's what you just had to have huh?".

I was horrified at that vision. Seriously I would have jumped the railroad track rather than walk there with that scream crying wanker on a tricycle. Now that's a black joker of life. :P

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Not all kids are like that. In fact they never should be if given the right attention.

I always try to speak to my daughter as if she is an adult. Seems to have worked so far!


Me too!


But my wife complains that she says "oh shit" when her blocks fall over.

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