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Off Topic Playground

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This... sounds exactly like the kind of game my friends and I would play. Damnit... 


*sells blood for cash*


Out of Kidneys? :P


That's the beauty. It's been the same models since the 90s. Maybe a new variant mark comes out, but otherwise Fantasy Flight just repackaged and remade the minis exactly as they are. Plus an "army" is 4 models. 12 mechs means I have several dozen combinations for that. Total investment $100


That does change things.

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This... sounds exactly like the kind of game my friends and I would play.  

*sells blood for cash*

As a guy, there are certain donations one can make that pay decently and are less painful than selling plasma. Just throwing that out there.

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My only problem with Battletech is balancing things out. I played a game where I used a newer design, the Hatchetman, because I love them in the books. Well thanks to the point system they had when I last looked, my 45 ton Hatchetman from the 3055 era was worth more points than a 65 ton Jaegermech that came from the 3025 era. Only the Jaegermech outgunned, outranged and was harder to kill than my Hatchetman. It was what killed my interest, when I realized that there was really no way to balance things out right. Which is sad because I love the setting, I own 3/4ths of the novels...

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Just a quick one guys. I've just had my ass handed too me for spending too much time on the forums at work. Last week alone I clocked up 13 Hours. Turns out my sneaky boss had a new router installed that tracks websites used etc. If my usage goes higher than 2.5 hours a week (aka lunch breaks) then he's going to block this site from work computers. So... sadly I wont be able to come on as much as before. I could use my phone but it's a pain in the ass and if he catches me on there I'll get another ass kicking :(

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oh good lord that was a while ago. I think I had two mediums, a light and a heavy, from the 3055 era. He had three heavies and a medium from 3025. It went about as well as you'd expect, but according to the points it was balanced.

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Just a quick one guys. I've just had my ass handed too me for spending too much time on the forums at work. Last week alone I clocked up 13 Hours. Turns out my sneaky boss had a new router installed that tracks websites used etc. If my usage goes higher than 2.5 hours a week (aka lunch breaks) then he's going to block this site from work computers. So... sadly I wont be able to come on as much as before. I could use my phone but it's a pain in the ass and if he catches me on there I'll get another ass kicking :(


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Just a quick one guys. I've just had my ass handed too me for spending too much time on the forums at work. Last week alone I clocked up 13 Hours. Turns out my sneaky boss had a new router installed that tracks websites used etc. If my usage goes higher than 2.5 hours a week (aka lunch breaks) then he's going to block this site from work computers. So... sadly I wont be able to come on as much as before. I could use my phone but it's a pain in the ass and if he catches me on there I'll get another ass kicking :(


You will be missed Comrade :(

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And on the topic of Age of Sigmar, I went to the LGS who have sold out of the latest WD (75) which sucks on two scales..one in that I have every issue from the relaunch to date apart from 75 now. (sold out everywhere and I am blowed if I am paying upwards of £15-£20 for it on ebay). 


And two, because I was hoping to read about the game, etc..get a glimpse of the minis etc..


My LGS do not seem keen on supporting it either (they stock GW).  He has apparently only ordered 2 copies of the box and doesn't plan on pushing it.  Fair enough, kits his shop but I was interested in seeing what it was all about.


Kind of thinking Meh, can't be bothered now.  I will stick to 8th edition.


Don't suppose any of you guys have a copy of WD 75 lying around you have read and will pass on for a reasonable price.  I don't even want the mini on the front, it would just be nice to keep my collection complete (I am anal like that)

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