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I find it unbelievably amusing that there is a raging discussion about gender issues while a thread titled

Know the true facts about King Size male enhancement supplement

is on the front page.

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I find it unbelievably amusing that there is a raging discussion about gender issues while a thread titled

Know the true facts about King Size male enhancement supplement

is on the front page.


Yeah that gave me a good laugh. :D :D 

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I got a counsellor/coach who helps me with planning my future. I'm pretty unsure of what I want to do with my life, and what jobs to look for. On the one hand, she's going to help me, and that's awesome. On the other hand, she'll want to know about my failings and unrealistic plans which is somewhat daunting.


I'm pretty much the same as you in that regard. I still don't know what to do with my life. I'm pretty lazy by nature and I don't enjoy work. I've spent the last 10 years sort of floating between jobs not really knowing what I want to do. At the moment I'm working with my families business but it's not what I want to do. Wish I could get some sort of adviser to point me in the right direction but as far as I'm aware that sort of thing isn't available over here. 

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Morning MD, zfiend. How goes?


Good thanks, how are you?


Oh, you want proper English? Need a Brit or a lit major there. ;)


You rang?! :D



well, we have MD as Brit, but somehow I doubt he can produce proper English.


Oi ya cheeky bugger! I've got GCSE and A Level English Qualifications I'll have you know. 



You've seen him type. ;) If that can be described as proper English then I am horrified for the state of English. :D


My English is better than most Brits. My typing... not so much :D

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I'm pretty much the same as you in that regard. I still don't know what to do with my life. I'm pretty lazy by nature and I don't enjoy work. I've spent the last 10 years sort of floating between jobs not really knowing what I want to do. At the moment I'm working with my families business but it's not what I want to do. Wish I could get some sort of adviser to point me in the right direction but as far as I'm aware that sort of thing isn't available over here. 


I actually got that counselling for free. The German bureaucracy doesn't like academics being unproductive.


I'm actually considering what it takes to be such a counsellor.....

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I actually got that counselling for free. The German bureaucracy doesn't like academics being unproductive.


I'm actually considering what it takes to be such a counsellor.....

That is pretty cool, I would have liked to have had that sort of direction when I was younger, the most I ever had was work experience where they dumped me in the Inland Revenue's IT department (I knew then I hated it and would never again work in IT)

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I loved how the rest of that weeks strips was just making fun of the comments on this one :P


Half of the time, that comic is about being an asshat, the other half is about awesome social insight. At least it's amusing.

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