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Just reading through the soapbox thread. Ane i have to say the most sense has come from one of our own...Dirial.

I find it hard to comment on such things as i must be incredibly lucky in that my lgs has about a 70/30 ratio of guys to girls yet i have never seen or heard any evidence of abuse against the women gamers.

They are a solid core of the group and i think in the whole all who frequent the lgs are intelligent and easy going with anyone. It helps that we have a strict three strikes and you are out policy.

Any instance of verbal abuse or unacceptable behaviour gets you a strike. Physical abuse is likely to be an instant ban. Once you get the three strikes you are banned..end of.

It may seem strict but i feel it has resulted in a better gaming environment. People have to be aware of how they act and treat others and it seems to create a more welcoming place.

Looking at that thread i wonder where a lot of these people live as ferossa seems to have had to put up with a lot of shit. I wouldnt wish that on anyone but it does seem that she is crusading a little too much and tarring all male gamers with the same brush. There are arseholes in this industry no doubt, but we need to hear the positives too. It sounds like the gamers in her area are not just arses but downright dangerous too. Hopefully the police have been involved.

As for my viewpoint on wyrd and their models..i like them and their style. Yes there probably could be more variation but if experience has taught me anything its that the guys who treat women like barbies actually treat ALL women like that. They dont care about the body type etc.

The problem as i see it isnt necessarily with the models or the game (though obviously wyrd can help to influence in their own way positively or negatively) but with society. The people who do this sort of bigotry are likely people who have grown up in that environment. It takes a strong person to break that mold.

Unfortunately the cheesecake models will entice the wrong element into gaming but i dont feel we should go completely the other way or are we then letting them win somehow? It will be hard but we need to change views of society as a whole and that would hopefully have the knockon effect of filtering out the arseholes.

Anyway...went on too long lol and probably sound like an ass myself..but i had to put it down somewhere and that soapbox thread seems like a carcrash waiting to happen

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Part of the problem with what's happened to Ferossa is that, if she's in the US, there's a lot of areas where the police will just laugh if she makes a report for assault. Accountability in those situations is damn hard. We've had trials with video evidence of assault where the males involved will still get acquitted, because 'she deserved it' somehow. It's why I'm not surprised that I can count the number of female gamers I've met locally on one hand, and most of those are roleplayers.


Anyway. How is everyone?

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Ok thanks ed...doing a few odd jobs whilst the weather allows...

And also feeling the need to unload!

Yeah i have heard that a lot about the US and the problems with police. I am sure it happens here in the uk too but never known anyone to have that experience.

If anything it is usually the other extreme. The police act on the crime with too much 'zeal' and the accused (who quite often are not guilty and the accused simply bore a grudge) is dragged over the coals in public and their life can go to shit.

Its hard i guess for police forces as they are often working within some pretty archaic laws.

Shit i have gone off again....:)

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Not too bad, Mik, how are you?

Note too bad. Survived the fourth with no major firework mishaps. Wife and I are visiting her uncle's lake house, so lots of people launch their own fireworks off docks and whatnot.

Next door on both sides there were some fun/terrifying moments. On one side a shot misfired and went into a tree right above the house, then blew up. I don't think anything got damaged (other than the tree) but not sure.

Then on the otherside, well, that needs some explanation. The family on this side owns several construction and demolitions companies, so have $$$$$$$$$$. They routinely spend $4,000-$6,000 on fireworks each year. Life goal is to have that much disposable money. But I digress.

Anyways, these guys are rich. They had NINE hand trucks worth of fireworks lined up and fused, ready to go. It was all going swimmingly until, hold on..... wait a minute? Is that.. no, can't be.... The boxes of fireworks are on fire! No one got hurt, but the finale came much faster than expected* and was quite epic. And terrifying. But epic.


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My kind-of-adopted-sister posted videos of all our tank battles on her facebook :(  Unfortunately she must have it up as friends only!

You make tank battles out of fire works? GENIUS!

Now I know what to do with my random, leftover GW tanks :)

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