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Jack Package Rides Again


I think I need to make that a persona to dress up in costume as. Fake delivery uniform and everything.


Jack Package. Man among Men. He gets all the ladies, he lifts all the weights and he delivers it.. Everytime.

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Also not your typical club, I've been coming here the past 12 years. It's like a really large circle of friends and acquaintances to a beat :)


Sounds good.


I don't frequent clubs much anymore. This area is full of electro clubs, which I find annoying. And since smoking has been banned in public buildings, all metal clubs stink of sweat....

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This place has been goth/industrial since the early 90s. The only place left in the area dedicated to it. Kinda sad, but still going strong.


Good for them.


The metal scene is pretty strong in Germany, just not in the city of yuppie bankers and consultants who need their cocaine and hooker before they can unwind....

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That would be New York ;)

Almost home now, passing out in a bit, then it's gym and Malifaux. So now I get to say goodnight.


Yeah, there's a reason they call Frankfurt "Mainhattan".


Night, Crush.

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Morning everyone!

I'll never get generation smartphone.

Do go on. Because I don't either. You know what's worse in my mind. People who do nothing but take pictures at a concert. Seriously I have friend like that. He pays big bucks for a gig, all he does is take pictures and post shit on Facebook while there.. Enjoy and experience the fucking show why won't you?!

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Morning everyone!

Do go on. Because I don't either. You know what's worse in my mind. People who do nothing but take pictures at a concert. Seriously I have friend like that. He pays big bucks for a gig, all he does is take pictures and post shit on Facebook while there.. Enjoy and experience the fucking show why won't you?!


Morning, Fiend.


Yeah, those people are terrible. And it's not just our generation. Can't tell you how often I stood in Rome in a spectacular building or in front of some painting and thought: "This is the most amazing fresco ever created by man, would you please LOOK AT IT instead of taking fucking photos?!?"


For me, the dissonance starts when someone calls me and asks "Where are you?" Where would I be? On the phone!


I'm not a man for 24/7 availability.

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