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That's her ACTUAL plan. She's not sure she would be into a relationship with me, but IS sure she would be down for all of us to go back to the apartment at some point in the future. Who am I to turn down a free gift?!


:D Good Luck



Anyway, Malifaux game night. what master to play?

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What do you have? 


Seconded... what DO you have?


I should put a list in my sig :D



List of stuff I play/have (Including proxies) Hamelin, Jack Daw, Tara, Leveticus, Kirai, Molly, McMourning, Yan Lo, Lynch, Pandora, Dreamer, Zoraida, Brewmaster

Looking at: Kaeris and Ulix (or Mah)

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Off to Helsinki to watch Minions, which starts in two hours. Didn't get that much painted after all today. Majority of the Gremlins are in a state of paint the base, wash the miniature, highlight if can be arsed and call it good enough for tabletop.

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Mirrorfucker is a guy at my gym. Who spends 90% on watching himself from the mirror with some serious eye fucking going around. Imagine Jessica Alba on a beach if you saw that. It's that bad. 9% on fixing his hair and maybe 1% actually working out.

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lol, oh I see. Yeah, I've seen quite a few of those as well. There was one guy that kept on dropping the handles on all the weight machines back at my previous gym. It was loud enough for half the gym to hear. Haven't been back to that one in awhile, but I'd be surprised if they hadn't banned him at this point.


And yes, I'm a fan of Rurouni Kenshin. It's a play on the manga and my name. Care to guess what my real name is? :P


I plan to see Minions with my son eventually. I enjoyed Despicable Me, so I'll probably enjoy this one too.

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And you said "streets of manhattan" and now I have a song stuck in my head!!


Grim faced and forbidding
Their faces closed tight
An angular mass of New Yorkers
Pacing in rhythm
Race the oncoming night
They chase through the streets of Manhattan
Head first humanity
Pause at a light
Then flow through the streets of the city

They seem oblivious
To a soft spring rain
Like an English rain
So light, yet endless
From a leaden sky

The buildings are lost
In their limitless rise
My feet catch the pulse
And the purposeful stride

I feel the sense of possibilities
I feel the wrench of hard realities
The focus is sharp in the city

Wide angle watcher
On life's ancient tales
Steeped in the history of London

Green and grey washes
In a wispy white veil
Mist in the streets of Westminster
Wistful and weathered
The pride still prevails
Alive in the streets of the city

Are they oblivious
To this quality?
A quality
Of light unique to
Every city's streets

Pavements may teem
With intense energy
But the city is calm
In this violent sea

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