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See, I can respect that.


Fair is fair right?! He wanted to summon a 3rd hanged but I had to point out they are Rare 2  :lol:. Says it all really, the guy knows I hate the Hanged as well so it was obvious he was doing it to annoy me. Also I had beef with him since he once shotted one of my Illuminated once with a Glowy McTavish on the 1st turn... I was gonna let that go but when the 2nd Hanged arrived well.... that was all the justification I needed :D

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I would have to go with:

In no order. Leveticus, Colette, Summoning Dreamer from what I've seen that is. I think there might be some probability of Collodi and Ulix changing that. With Perdita and Poison McMourning running along quite nicely.

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I don't think anything really is an excuse to be a total knob. :P

I once said that I wish it became legal to issue a warranted "reality bitch slap" so if someone was being a total knob, you could just slap that knobend and welcome him back to the real world. :P

Now before this ends up in a human rights discussion.. Dirial.. This is a joke. Well half joke.

Damn can only like a post once

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So since we are at the discussion.

What do you think is the utmost top 3 filth?

I can't comment on this as I have not played many games and most are fairly new players like myself, although I played against Leve once and never want to experience that again, playing kill the Waif/Anchors is not fun as it is the only thing I could do to try and deny VP's

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No particular order: Cannon Viks, Any TT with Blot the Sky and two Archers, and then either Collodi or Colette (haven't seen either in play yet, judging from last edition memories)


Actually the Viks can be pretty bad when in the right hands. Perdita and McMourning are well up there along with Shenlong + Snipers

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I have told you multiple times. She is goddamn good. I have no idea how come you are that bad with her.. :D


I can kind of see it with all the blasts she can throw around ignoring LOS and that


Pffft.. Gimme by beloved Ice Queen anyday. Although I've yet to actually play her.... Still... It can't be any worse than a Sonnia crew! 

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Pffft.. Gimme by beloved Ice Queen anyday. Although I've yet to actually play her.... Still... It can't be any worse than a Sonnia crew!

I don't get it. Really. How come you hate Sonnia and seem to like raspy.. It makes no sense. :D

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I don't get it. Really. How come you hate Sonnia and seem to like raspy.. It makes no sense. :D


Raspys crew has Paralyze, Armour giving, Healing, Movement tricks, Arcane Reservoir, Ice Pillars and Arc Nodes and Imbued Energies and a decent scheme runner all within theme.


Sonnia doesn't have nearly as much support in her crew. All she does is blast stuff, throw away cards or SS and die horribly. Occasionally you'll get a new Stalker or two and can take advantage of burning but I find her boring, slow and a massive drain on limited resources. 


It's a no brainer for me. My Sonnia has gone to a good home and the guy using her loves her so that's all I care about. 

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I have played two games with Lucius now. Borrowed crew so I didn't start my thread yet. I can tell you one thing though. I absolutely loved Lucius. :P don't tell Dirial.


I took on Lucius the other day with the Schilldowg! Lucius doesn't like the Jack Knife so much it turns out :D

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I honestly cannot wait to start using Rasputina. I found a Blessed of December on eBay but they want $30 with ship. If I didn't just pay my rent, I would be tempted. 


A Blessed is the only thing I need for the crew. I'm currently looking for a decent proxy as I don't like the look of the new art or the old metal model. Have yet to find anything suitable though. 

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