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How are you finding Yan Lo?


The Missus is looking into the Ressers and Yan is one of the ones that interests her


I personally love playing him.  I wouldn't call him a powerhouse, but I would call him absolutely fun!


But he did manage once to kill Pandora, Kade, and Two teddies in four rounds.  Pandora was gone by round two.

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Yeah I had seen that, I'm willing to put money on the fact that she'll eventually settle on Kirai and will Pick up Yan and the other Ancestors at some point, she really wants to try her hand at painting the "oriental" style miniatures


Nothing wrong with the Ancestors, they are all awesome. Most of them work better with Kirai and Nicodem than anyone else. It's just Yan Lo... He feels like a wasted model in the crew in my experiences with him. The Ancestors do ALL the legwork whilst he powers up and by the time he's gotten to a point where he is actually on par with most other masters the Ancestors are either all dead or have already won you the game. Hence my previous edit. He's kind of fun but I'd never miss him in a 50ss ancestor crew if I could play at that level without him there. He's Marmite, you love him or you hate him. Whilst I love Marmite I do not love Yan Lo at all. He's probably the most boring 10T / Resser Master in my opinion because nothing he does is particularly unique within his factions and everyone else does what he does just better. His only unique things are resurrecting Enforcers once... OK, that is kind of cool but you have to pay 1ss to be able to do it and at the end of the day it is a bit meh and then there's the Chi mechanic... *yawns*. So he's just not for me.

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Nothing wrong with the Ancestors, they are all awesome. Most of them work better with Kirai and Nicodem than anyone else. It's just Yan Lo... He feels like a wasted model in the crew in my experiences with him. The Ancestors do ALL the legwork whilst he powers up and by the time he's gotten to a point where he is actually on par with most other masters the Ancestors are either all dead or have already won you the game. Hence my previous edit. He's kind of fun but I'd never miss him in a 50ss ancestor crew if I could play at that level without him there. He's Marmite, you love him or you hate him. Whilst I love Marmite I do not love Yan Lo at all. He's probably the most boring 10T / Resser Master in my opinion because nothing he does is particularly unique within his factions and everyone else does what he does just better. His only unique things are resurrecting Enforcers once... OK, that is kind of cool but you have to pay 1ss to be able to do it and at the end of the day it is a bit meh and then there's the Chi mechanic... *yawns*. So he's just not for me.

Cheers for the Lo down  :D

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With how many are we now? 


Well there's the original 3 Stooges. (zFiend, Dirial and you?) Then I was added as a 4th by Aaron. Then there's the Elder Stooge Abs, the American Stooge CJ, Stooge Legal Representative Mik, Stoogette Victoria and now Fledgeling Stooges Deluge and Clockwork Hat. 


Did I miss anyone?

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We have a fine Stooge in training in our midst gentlemen! :D"



With how many are we now? 


We are 4, but we should hold try-outs. Asrian, Crush, Deluge, Jonah... there are some candidates. What should the exams be?


"Open a thread, derail it, and get it locked in under 5 hours"?

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Well there's the original 3 Stooges. (zFiend, Dirial and you?) Then I was added as a 4th by Aaron. Then there's the Elder Stooge Abs, the American Stooge CJ, Stooge Legal Representative Mik, Stoogette Victoria and now Fledgeling Stooges Deluge and Clockwork Hat. 


Did I miss anyone?


Honary Stooge Aaron? :P

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But sometimes, he likes to Stooge it out with us.


Well that's true, perhaps the drudgery of working all day in a hot office having to mod all of the normal posters threads gets to him so coming here feels like a nice breath of fresh air :D I consider this place our sanctuary from the rest of the interwebz. 



I don't think he can give us :+fate though :P


We wouldn't know what to do with a  :+fate even if he could give them to us... We are Stooges after all!  :P

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