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Though no fighting you two *eyes Fell and Hatchet and waggles finger*

Hey you! That's my job! I know I was late getting in this morning, but that doesn't mean you can just steal my job!!

*waggles fingers and shoots lightning bolt to hit fridge, which subsequently wobbles violently and tosses Karn to the floor*

There....I feel better now.

*brushes hands off*

Oooh, I ALMOST have a Desolation Engine! Should be finished this evening, and then....Levi crew pics! :)

Sneak peak just for you folks. :D


Heh, and there's my 2nd altered Canine Remains in the background. :)

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All I did was edit my post... No powers needed. :lollypop:

Really? Cuz I've tried changing the title of my thread in the Showcase and it never works...Powers I tell ya....first sign of a Benevolent Dictator is that they always deny any power they have. The key problem with that is still the second half of the title... :vb_tongue:

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There's a throne here? How did I miss that? This rusty folding chair is bogus.

that's Hazyel's

*Takes folding chair*

you have to stand when you have less than 1000 post

*growls* this is MY throne... cant you see? its all pink and glittery and fluffy and squishy. :) thats my castle over there *points to the pink castle*

are you neverborn... *eyes hatchethead*

There's also a secret compartment in the back for me

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