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Maybe just a little bit of tank chasing? I really need the exercise and I can't think of anything else that'll get me off the couch, to be honest.

Cheers! I fall into RP mode at the drop of a hat. Stiff breeze is all it takes, so don't tempt me!


In an uncharacteristic display of self-control and generosity, I recently trimmed my collection.

I have every Rezzer model released to date w/ the Dead Rider and Night Terrors on order at my local FLGS, plus several mercs who "got the right stuff". I had a Dreamer and a Leveticus box, but decided to sell both to wannabe players for cheap. I still have a TON of painting to do ... and now with alternate sculpts, Avatars, the Lady J box, Miss Demeanor ... I need to stay focused! Eyes on the prize!

Plus, when I announce my faction as Resurrectionist and reveal the contents of my carrying case, people tend to turn a little green in the gills. I thrive on the fear instilled by my suitcase full of undead. Sweet cold sweat like wine in my goblet, yummy! :D

.... wasn't your SN Sozoa yesterday? Or am I going crazy? .....

Any way, always good to have more players around and good people in the thread. Welcome.

*takes your hand and stamps it with a rubber stamp, leaving a mark on it* That will get you back in past the Monoliths.

*Motions to the towering Monoliths looming near by*

Oh ignore them, they just don't like new people. Becareful of the Dr Pepper one.. *leans in and whispers* it can get a bit grumpy... it's been known to eat people.

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How come I don't have a stamp on my hand?

#eyes Dr Pepper monolith nervously#

*Snickers* Remember how I keep putting stickers on your back? There are all sorts of stickers and stamps on your back AB. I stamped you a long time ago.

*Holds up 2 mirros to show AB his back and all the stuff on it*

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pshh... you say Ressers... I declare Guild... *shrugs, evil laugh*

Are we gonna have a problem here, Miss?


*takes your hand and stamps it with a rubber stamp, leaving a mark on it* That will get you back in past the Monoliths.

*Motions to the towering Monoliths looming near by*

Oh ignore them, they just don't like new people. Becareful of the Dr Pepper one.. *leans in and whispers* it can get a bit grumpy... it's been known to eat people.

I love this place, and no cover charge! Five drink minimum is a bit steep, though.

*Stares at the Monolith*

... is it Dr. Pepper or DIET Dr. Pepper? 'Cause I had a run in with a Diet Dr. Pepper Obelisk once and my rotator cuff still bothers me when it's humid. The aspartame really kicked my ass.

Edited by Hatchethead
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Are we gonna have a problem here, Miss?


I love this place, and no cover charge! Five drink minimum is a bit steep, though.

*Stares at the Monolith*

... is it Dr. Pepper or DIET Dr. Pepper? 'Cause I had a run in with a Diet Dr. Pepper Obelisk once and my rotator cuff still bothers me when it's humid. The aspartame really kicked my ass.

We tolerate some Ressers.... we used to have a Spoon but I lost him behind the fridge about 2 months ago... though I htink you will be a lot harder to mis place...

*eyes you up and down* Though no causing trouble ok?

*Grins devilishly, the Monoliths lining up around you to block out the light with their looming before shuffling away.*

Regular Dr. Pepper, do you think Im so insane as to invoke the uncontrollable doom that is diet soda monoliths? O.o

Though no fighting you two *eyes Fell and Hatchet and waggles finger* The Puppets wont be happy if you do... *eyes the multitude of buttons eyes gleaming in hte darkness*

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Though no fighting you two *eyes Fell and Hatchet and waggles finger* The Puppets wont be happy if you do... *eyes the multitude of buttons eyes gleaming in hte darkness*


You heard the man, Bete! Oh, c'mon. Don't give me that face, just ... go find a Guild Guard to fillet and we'll talk later, okay?

*rolls eyes*

[whisper]... she can get so testy when she isn't eblow deep in someone's torso, y'know?[/whisper]

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