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Off Topic Playground

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Got hung up playing warriors of rock ( just beat it ) .

As for the game against the dreamer , it was a lot of grab ass with me picking off a nightmare here and there with Ryle , til he charged him with teddy killed him , than got killed in return from the peacekeeper . having a guardian connected too the peacekeeper and one to Hoffman made it hard for him to drop in a kill something . With there armor and healing ability he would drop in bounce of the armor , lose something for the trouble . Even if he was Alpe bombing I just need Hoffman to pass his checks than open circuit once to get rid of them .

I agree against Pandora I would rather have something faster and more killy . But against the hag and dreamer Hoffman works well , so I usually use Hoffman when I know never borne is hitting the table .

I am going to be in a fixed list tourny and was thinking this for all comers what do you think .


governors proxy


2 death marshals

3 stalkers

leaving Perdita with 8 stones

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Somebody get Legolas


Nice :)

Good overall list there, Foe. Should do well, IMO. I'm not sold on the Gov's Proxy or the Marshall's myself, but then again, I've never played them. Dita, Nino, and the Stalkers are solid though.

You consider throwing in a Watcher somewhere? Awesome objective grabbers, and if you happen to flip a Strategy without need for Objective capping, then it just sits in the back and helps you look at your cards. :)

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The watcher is fast and can fly but usually dies when going after an objective , there pretty easy to kill . Perdita is so fast she usually can grab objectives , with her being M6 , fast , and a combat beast she usually has objective grabbing covered .

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Yeah, I understand. In people's defense, you guys did add a crap ton of cool smilies in the last week. :tongue1:

I always try to abide by the standard that if I post only a line or two of text in my post, that my sig should be small enough so that my post doesn't extend further down than the vertical bar on the left where your Avatar shows up. I figure I should be below the 150 pixel height limit still.

Anyways....the reset gave me an excuse to properly re-do my sig with the character smilies directly linked to my pic threads. :D

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Luckily I'm an a tad anal retentive and a programmer! Had a copy of my sig saved away just encase something happened.

But yeah, shame for some people though, recovering the links could be a pain in the ass and generally just redoing it. But I can understand the urge to just nuke them all rather then sort through them... that would take way to long. Whats the real shame is the forum software can't seem to set a pixel limit because that is the real issue with it.

Ah well, just make sure you check your size against the box that was posted in the thread about this. See if your sig is smaller then it. Post here: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showpost.php?p=267389&postcount=30

Edited by karn987
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