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Played against dreamer last night in shared reconnoiter , I was using Hoffman ... weird game I managed to grab the win late game . Hoffman is a good match for dreamer .

Mmm he can be. All that armor certainly helps mitigate the crushing gorilla attacks that the Dreamer is famous for. Glad to hear you snagged the win though?

Any highlights etc? People always want to hear about how someone beat the Dreamer or any specific tactics they used.

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Well, Open Circuit alone is absolutely brutal against Dreamer. Kills Alps/Daydreams without batting an eye. Even Machine Puppet works wonders for quickly eliminating Chompy. Plus, most of Hoff's pieces are Immune to Influence anyways, so half of Chompy's tricks don't do squat anyways.

The funny thing is, in a tournament setting, picking Hoffman against Neverborn can be risky, as Pandora is a real PITA to deal with since she bypasses pretty much all of Hoffman's decent tricks. So there's a fun balance to it there.

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Oh my God!!! Abs!!! She's Beautiful *gets all girly, places a fluffy peacebringer in her crib*

Very Cute!

oh abs shes a doll! you are right shes gunna be a stunna when shes older!

Thanks everyone! And those i haven't quoted too! yes, i can see Herbie the friendly Peacekeeper will be busy in the years to come, preventing suitors from getting too close!

And glad to see the world of malifaux still goes on, and this thread has started to pick up momentum again...just you wait until i'm back at work next week!

Just debating what to buy Malifaux wise next....or to save it up ready for gencon time.... hmmmm decisions, decisions!

Will have a quick scoot through the boards and then be off again, I hear my daughter waking up and she will be wanting something no doubt (already got me running after her)

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Thanks everyone! And those i haven't quoted too! yes, i can see Herbie the friendly Peacekeeper will be busy in the years to come, preventing suitors from getting too close!

And glad to see the world of malifaux still goes on, and this thread has started to pick up momentum again...just you wait until i'm back at work next week!

Just debating what to buy Malifaux wise next....or to save it up ready for gencon time.... hmmmm decisions, decisions!

Will have a quick scoot through the boards and then be off again, I hear my daughter waking up and she will be wanting something no doubt (already got me running after her)

*Waves to AB as he speeds by*

Yup you best keep Herbie oiled and in good shape for the next 20ish years ;) Going to need him XD

Save your money for Gencon time man. I'm sure there will be some LE figs you will want during that time and you can only order them for that short period.

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Just debating what to buy Malifaux wise next....or to save it up ready for gencon time.... hmmmm decisions, decisions!

Heh, I was bummed that the Dead Rider and Mobile Toolkit hadn't shown up at the LGS yet by last night. Oh well. I'll have to finish my Desolation Engine this weekend instead. :)

Definitely saving up for GenCon at this point though. I don't intend to buy anything else until then.

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