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When I see Mass plates in Maine, I try to run them off the road... 'cause EVERY time I've EVER driven in MA I've almost died... I almost got merged into on 495 by some lady on her Cell phone! The only people who are WORSE drivers are folks from CT...

Although, when I talk about how bad of a driver my grandfather is (a transplant from MA to Maine) i have to qualify that he drives like an old man from MA (he complains about how slow everyone drives while tailgating them, then does 20 in a 35)

Also, painting Ressers pays for my Malifaux addiction... I don't get to spend my paychecks on figs... I have to wait for someone to commission me to paint for them (Yes, pics will be up next week). The guy who runs hardcore ressers at my LGS can't paint (he shakes too much) so I paint for him, and make a nice profit... which I then use to buy new Malifaux stuff *curses, starts wondering if the list of v2 cards she needs is still in her bag*

>.> well... sorry about that. I do admit that merging onto 495 while on a cell phone is a rather stupid move. You get the few like that who spoil it for the rest of us who just Zip along happily. My favorites are the ones putting on Make-Up while driving on the high way.

Or the one's texting while on the highway *shudders* I had my old Taurus hit once while by a stupid kid texting away. Rammed into my rear end, cracked a light on it but completely totaled her car. Engine was buckled in and you could hear the radiator hissing... and the Taurus only had a scratch, sturdy tank of a Car that was XD

It's funny, we think New Hampshire drivers can't drive. XD I guess it's all about the evil you know.

Oh ok they are a commissions, that's cool =D Always good to feed your Malifaux addiction *nods*. When I first started I sold off half my old Space Marines to play for my first few box sets + book. Best use of Space Marines I've ever had ;D

Ought oh, V2 Card troubles?

Edited by karn987
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Uh huh....

*Unbeknown-est to AB, his lunch has been Transpositioned with a Sorrow*

As we say in the UK. Jolly bad show Old chap.

Good job i didn't take a bite before checking!

And this bad driving thing. You get them everywhere lol. My wife has been reversed into at a junction! yes reversed into.... How someone could mix up 1st gear with reverse i don't know, but they did!

So do you guys drive manuals or Automatics. Always thought it would be easier to drive an automatic, but haven't had a go yet!

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Oh ok they are a commissions, that's cool =D Always good to feed your Malifaux addiction *nods*. When I first started I sold off half my old Space Marines to play for my first few box sets + book. Best use of Space Marines I've ever had ;D

Ought oh, V2 Card troubles?

I was thinking about running a alt army of Harlequinn.... they were pretty BA... but then I realized I didn't want to spend THAT much money... So my LGS owner pointed me at Malifaux.. I sold my Harlequinn Troupe for $30 and bought Lady J...

Best use for 40k stuff? Totally buying Malifaux figs :D

I didn't trade in my cards when it was free to do so. Not a big deal... then I realized they changed some MAJOR stuff... like the Judge's dmg... and the executioners Final Repose (which used to be AWESOME and is now just kinda "meh"). So I need to get v2 cards... *shrugs* oh swell...

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So do you guys drive manuals or Automatics. Always thought it would be easier to drive an automatic, but haven't had a go yet!

I drive an automatic *hangs head in shame, mumbles* don't know how to drive manual.... :(

I want to learn though!!! Mostly 'cause I want a sports car, and you can have an automatic... but it's so much cooler if it's a manual :D

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As we say in the UK. Jolly bad show Old chap.

Good job i didn't take a bite before checking!

And this bad driving thing. You get them everywhere lol. My wife has been reversed into at a junction! yes reversed into.... How someone could mix up 1st gear with reverse i don't know, but they did!

So do you guys drive manuals or Automatics. Always thought it would be easier to drive an automatic, but haven't had a go yet!

So... you ate a Sorrow....ewwww

Hope it wasn't a Woe of painful-digestion >.>

Automatic was easier to learn at and I used to be able to drive stick-shift.. but I don't think I can any more XD I think Automatic is over-all easier but some people like that extra bit of control the manual gives you and then the gear-heads and car enthusiasts always seem to swear up and down by Manual shifting, almost seems like they believe Automatic is a tool of the devil.

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I was thinking about running a alt army of Harlequinn.... they were pretty BA... but then I realized I didn't want to spend THAT much money... So my LGS owner pointed me at Malifaux.. I sold my Harlequinn Troupe for $30 and bought Lady J...

Best use for 40k stuff? Totally buying Malifaux figs :D

I didn't trade in my cards when it was free to do so. Not a big deal... then I realized they changed some MAJOR stuff... like the Judge's dmg... and the executioners Final Repose (which used to be AWESOME and is now just kinda "meh"). So I need to get v2 cards... *shrugs* oh swell...

Well that's why they have the card PDF's up there. Can just print them out and use them for now, just need the actual cards for official Wyrd tournies. But still, it's nice that you can play the game either way =)

Hmmm that reminds me, I need to order a Big Blue Kitty (Peacekeeper) for Hoffman. Can't wait for the Large Steampunk Arachnids to come out to, Hoffman riding the Big Blue Kitty with an army of giant buzz-saw wielding spiders behind him *nods*

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Well that's why they have the card PDF's up there. Can just print them out and use them for now, just need the actual cards for official Wyrd tournies. But still, it's nice that you can play the game either way =)

I tend to forget about the print outs... even when they are right in front of me.... :(

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I drive an automatic *hangs head in shame, mumbles* don't know how to drive manual.... :(

I want to learn though!!! Mostly 'cause I want a sports car, and you can have an automatic... but it's so much cooler if it's a manual :D

So... you ate a Sorrow....ewwww

Hope it wasn't a Woe of painful-digestion >.>

Automatic was easier to learn at and I used to be able to drive stick-shift.. but I don't think I can any more XD I think Automatic is over-all easier but some people like that extra bit of control the manual gives you and then the gear-heads and car enthusiasts always seem to swear up and down by Manual shifting, almost seems like they believe Automatic is a tool of the devil.

To be honest, we have very few automatics in the UK. Well, i have hardly come across them. i guess they are more common in the US because it takes ages to go from one place to another! Stick it in drive and go, along the nice highway for about 6 days!! Is that right?

In the uk, we are forever having to slow down for corners, roundabouts, pedestrians, traffic lights you name it, so gears are more efficient.

Plus Gears are fun. And yes, if you get a sports car...get gears!

And KArn, you can;t forget how to drive a manual. Its like riding a bike lol!

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Lol! Damn I thought it was just a rumor!

My Charger is an automatic, but you barely even notice the automatic shifting with it. Just hit the gas and the shifting is nice and smooth =D

is it a new Charger? What color is it? *swoons* I'm a car junkie... I don't know a lot about them... but I love a nice car :)

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is it a new Charger? What color is it? *swoons* I'm a car junkie... I don't know a lot about them... but I love a nice car :)

2009 Charger. It's this awesome sort of deep blue in color with a tinge of metallic to it. Got it used with just shy of 700 miles on it, tis a fantastic machine. It actually does really well in the snow due to it's traction control magjigga and weight (not as light as you may think it is). Plus the handling is amazing, such a huge step up from my old Taurus XD

I'm about the same I think. I don't know a tun about them, just some basics and enough to appreciate a good machine but otherwise not a whole lot XD Biggest thing for me with this car? I CAN FIT INTO IT! *cheers* So many cards I've liked I've had to pass up because I couldn't fit into them >< They don't make many cards for 6' 5" people >.>

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WIERD!!!!.... they have been plotting against you... eat them first!!!

*blows a raspberry at Ratty*

when running away from a hungry teddy you just have to run faster than the legless egg.

aw... be nice to Egg Head...

plus, he has wheels now... he's faster than all of us...

*walks around everyone dumping something on the ground in a circle, lights a match drops it*

That should keep us safe *snigger*

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Lol i love the way teddy said i HAD him on a leash... like it was PAST tense... :D

I think it's welded on.

*whispers* shhhh The Bear is on

You guys are making such a racket... Why bother being quiet?

WIERD!!!!.... they have been plotting against you... eat them first!!!

I see! Thank you my loyal servant, tyrant rat, thing...

when running away from a hungry teddy you just have to run faster than the legless egg.

C'mere egg...

Told you the summoning would work!

#walks around with his chest puffed out#

KArn, how did you doubt me? ;)

What does a puffed out chest look like on an egg?

That's always the hard part of follow a rules change or update, making sure you keep track of all the changes.

Tell me about it. ;)

*Hides in Fells hair*

I know you're here, you can't hide from me!

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