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Crush, your ruleset is awesome, but


Crush Jansen - Cost 7ss (Dual Faction Resurrectionist / Outcast)

Enforcer, Living, Mercenary, Rare 1



Df 3, Wp 6, Wd 7, Wk 4, Cg -, Ht 2


Wp 6? Come on, dude, we know how many toy soldiers you have. None of you all has enough Wp to resist the curse of Malifaux!

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I'm struggling to think of a (1) tactical for myself.


How about....


(1) Fanboy: This action may only be taken if this model's crew contains Viktoria of Ashes or Viktoria of Blood. Discard one card to place this model in base contact with target Viktoria of Ashes or Viktoria of Blood.

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2nd try:



Minion, Living



Df 2, Wp 6, Wd 8, Wk 4, Cg 6, Ht 2



Voice of Reason - All Stooges gain +2 Wp while within  :aura 6.

Scuffle Winner - Crews including this model may hire zFiend, regardless of faction. ZFiend counts as a Guild model in this crew.


Attack Actions

(1) Objection - like Lawyer

:crow...to your food! Target model with the Poison condition ends the Poison condition and gets Buried. Unbury it in base contact with this model at the end of turn.

(2) Derail Thread - Every model in :pulse 5 of target Stooge has to make a TN 14 Horror Duel.


Tactical Actions

(1) Dirial'd - Every model in :pulse 5 of target model gets the Slow condition.

:ramRecruit the Newbie - After succeeding, target model takes a (1) action controlled by this model.

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Ok, I'm pretty happy with this. I've made some fairly major changes but I think it suits my online persona quite nicely. Thoughts?


MasterDisaster (Outcast)                Cost - 8 Beers or SS (take your pick!)


Minion, Living

Stooge, Mercenary


Df 5, Wp 1, Wd 8, Wk 4, Cg 6, Ht 2




Drunken Courage: Whilst under the effects of the poison condition this model gains  :-fate to all Wp duels but it's Wp becomes 7.

Blind Drunk: When this model has the Poison +4 condition or higher it gains immunity to Horror Duels. 

To the Highest Bidder - (See Hans)

At the Mercy of Vassal: This model may take two (0) Actions per turn so long as they not the same. This model must take the (0) Vassal's Curse action at the beginning of it's activation before spending any other AP. 



Attack Actions 


(1) Beer Bottle Ml 5 / Rst: Df/ Rg:  :melee 1. Target suffers 1/3/5 damage.  

:ram  Broken Glass: After damaging this models suffers an additional +1 Damage. 

:mask  On the Head: After damaging target model gains the Slow condition.

:tome  Take a swig: After succeeding this model may make a 1/2/3 Healing Flip but gains the Poison +1 Condition.

:crow Another Round Lads!: After damaging take this action again against another target enemy model within range. This attack may not declare triggers. 


(1) Throw Away the Empties Sh: 5 / Rst: Df / Rng:   :ranged 10. Target suffers 2/3/4 Damage. 

:ram Hurl Abuse: After damaging this model may take this action again against the same target but at -1 Sh. 

:mask Where's the bar? : After damaging, if this model has the poison condition take a TN: 12 Wk duel. If successful push this model up to 5" in any direction.

:tome Take a swig: After succeeding this model may make a 1/2/3 Healing Flip but gains the Poison +1 Condition.

:crow Pass out: After succeeding the damage flip gains a  :-fate but deals +2 Damage. After resolving this action immediately end this models activation. 


Tactical Actions 


(0) Vassal's Curse: Ca: 5 / TN: 10. This Action must declare a Trigger if able, this action may not be cheated. If a Red Joker is flipped it counts as a  :ram and  :tome and both effects are applied. If the Black Joker is flipped it counts as a  :mask and :crow and both effects are applied. 

:ram : This model gains  :+fate Attack Flips until the end of the turn.

:mask : This model gains  :-fate Attack Flips until the end of the turn.

:tome : This model gains  :+fate Damage Flips until the end of the turn.

:crow : This model gains  :-fate Damage Flips until the end of the turn.


(0) I Don't Feel So Good... Blergh!Discard 1 card. Remove all conditions from this model and suffer two damage. 




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PraetorDragoon (Outcast)

Minion, Living

Stooge, Tormented


Df 5, Wp 2, Wd 8, Wk 4, Cg 6, Ht 2



Nuiscance:  Enemy models within :aura 6 that target this model with an action that can target another model must pass a Wp 12 duel or target another model.


Attack Actions

(1) Bad Jokes (Ca 5 / Tn 10 / Rst: Df / Rg: 10 :ranged or 1 :melee ) Target suffers 0/3/6 damage. This attack suffers :-fate on damage and must declare a trigger if able.

:mask"Not as planned": After failling, take a Do Something Stupid.... Action.

:crow "I am sorry, so sorry": After succeeding, the target gains Slow and this attack deals no damage.

:tome"Just a Poem": After succeeding, take this action again. This trigger may only declared once each turn.


Tactical Action

(1) Do Something Stupid.... (Ca 5 / Tn 15 :mask ) This model suffers 2/3/4 damage which cannot be cheated. 

:mask ...and it worked!: After succeeding, Draw two cards.

:ramMisplaced Explosives: After Failling, Place a blast marker within 2" of this model. Each model under the blast suffers 2/3/4 damage.

:crowTasty Cookies: After failling, this model heals 1/2/3 damage.

:tome"Lets not do that guys": After failling, until end of turn, models within :aura 6 gain +1 Wp. 

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