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Back to MD, the only thing I can say for certain is that if that Joe guy has been a good friend to you, or is a good friend to you. You should think about the situation he might be in and try to be the big man and take one to the chin even if did "disrespect" you. Who the fuck respects anything when they are drunk? It was not personal I am sure. Drunken passion. I know I've done my share of wrong while drunk and the day after is the most horrible one. I can only imagine what that guy is going through atm and I think he might need you as a friend, not as a judge. 


I see your point mate, I probably should let it go but to be honest I can't and probably wont until I've spoken to him. Look at it this way, if you get drunk and kill a guy should you be let of for your actions? Probably not right? As far as I'm concerned you are entirely responsible for all of your actions because you chose to get that drunk in the first place. It doesn't matter if you remember what you did, you still did it. 


Anyways, enough doom and gloom. You guys have given me some stuff to mull over and consider moving forward, it's always interesting to see how you guys will see or deal with a situation or problem. 


So.. What's every one got planned for the weekend?

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Again mate. Killing someone isn't really comparable to drunken making out.

I agree with you to a point on that being responsible for your actions. But drunkenly making out with someone against someone else's rules seriously only makes it better drunk.

If someone here is honestly saying they've never done something drunk they shouldn't have I call that person a liar and I am sure that person's pants are on fire.

The principle on holding them on a same level is the issue here I believe. But we can let this go over already. You're a good guy in my book mate.

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You're right, it's not the same thing but the principle is. Either way, I'm sure the problem will get resolved sooner or later. He's coming to my wedding after all! 


If he's lucky he might be sober enough to witness the glory of the Austringer. On that matter, Dirial, I'll have the ambulance on standby. British medical services are really very good so if you get thrown into a brick wall or something we'll have you covered :D

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Come back to OTP after my commute, and what do I see? People discussing "boundaries."


*looks at boundaries*

Oh, these are ok. Carry on.

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If he's lucky he might be sober enough to witness the glory of the Austringer. On that matter, Dirial, I'll have the ambulance on standby. British medical services are really very good so if you get thrown into a brick wall or something we'll have you covered :D


Now you get it! That's the spirit!

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Now you get it! That's the spirit!


Well, I'm still not happy about the fact but I've come to accept it as inevitable. There's not a whole lot I could do if you were to get on a plane and fly over except maybe called homeland security and warn them of a possible terrorist threat and get you guys arrested the minute you land :D

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Christopher Lee (Saruman) died. Did not know he was a bad ass. Fought w/ Finns against Russians in 1939, then went the Roald Dahl route and became an RAF pilot before becoming a spy, plus serving with the SAS randomly in there.

Plus, you know, he was Saruman.

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