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Morning, Crush.


My brother-in-law is on a flight to NY right now. I'm curious how he likes it there.


2. Dirial, yes my attitude is a tad barbarous. I apologize for it, but am also not ashamed of it.


We'll have to disagree then. Death penalty or similar shit has no place in a civilization of intelligent, moral beings.


3. zF, I am also a life long veteran of "bad brain days," so I am also here for you (non sexually).


I'm confused why men feel the need to add that "no homo" part. Really baffling.

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D. I'm with you on this one. I don't see the need for the no homo part. But a lot of people do. Insecurity? ;)

Maybe we should call Crush CockJansen from now. :D


Hrhr. I gather people still think it inappropriate for men to lend or need emotional support. Baffling.


With the Ten Inches and CockJansen, we might seem a little fixated to the rest of the forum, though.

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Hrhr. I gather people still think it inappropriate for men to lend or need emotional support. Baffling.


With the Ten Inches and CockJansen, we might seem a little fixated to the rest of the forum, though.


Don't forget the gifs and "What she said jokes".


But I agree on male emotial support. It's odd..

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Morning, Crush.


My brother-in-law is on a flight to NY right now. I'm curious how he likes it there.



We'll have to disagree then. Death penalty or similar shit has no place in a civilization of intelligent, moral beings.


Personally I'm all for it but it is a delicate matter and has to be taken seriously when it's implemented. As far as I'm aware we only have one or two crimes left in Britain which would warrant the death penalty. High Treason against the Crown and Regicide. But it's never been enforced, mainly because it's never had to have been. Of course this could be one of those stupid urban myth type things. 


I'm confused why men feel the need to add that "no homo" part. Really baffling.


Modern society bro, guys feel the need to assert their sexuality for fear of belittlement or what have you. Speaking of which I had a fairly controversial problem recently and it kind of went down hill.


The Mrs invited my friends round for some drinks and parlor games last weekend after I'd expressly made it clear I wanted a quiet night in, especially after being up since 6am because I'd been at work all day. Her gay best friend Dean had come down for the hen party. My friend Joe (who I'd always suspected was gay but never had any concrete evidence) and Dean got incredibly drunk. I was upstairs being anti-social and enjoying a somewhat quiet evening and decided it was time to void thy bladder and went to the toilet downstairs to find these two guys in my kitchen making out. Now I'm fairly old fashioned in many ways. I do not approve of homosexuality, nor do I like it, I do however tolerate it. I honestly don't care what people do in their own homes or in private but when shit like that is thrust in my face I get.. lets say "a little funny" to put it politely. 


I had a quiet word with the Mrs as she was hosting explaining that I was not happy with this situation and I did not want that happening in my own home. Both my friends understand and respect my opinion and knew it was going to make me "a bit funny" and yet they completely ignored that. Anyways, the Mrs split them up for a while, a few hours later I go downstairs for a drink and they are at it again! Naturally I fly off the handle and start barking orders at the Mrs to sort out this fiasco which she fails to do (mainly because they were do bloody drunk). I go to bed assuming it's all resolved. At 4.30am I wake up after hearing a bang and a cat scratching furiously at my door to discover not only had they accidentally hurt the cat by falling on top of her (she's 22 and very frail) that they were still up to their old tricks. So I stormed down stairs barking marching orders feeling particularly pissed off, betrayed and ready to start throwing punches. In Gina's defense she knew I'd be angry and tried to stop it from going any further before I'd found out but alas twas no good. What makes it worse is that Dean is married! Since then I've barely heard from my "friend" Joe. 


So after all that am I wrong to be angry with them? Was I wrong to react in the way I did?

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Well if they did break your old and frail cat sure.

If the other bloke is married, well that's a dick move but not maybe your issue or battle to fight.

For them being gay for each other and making out? Just let it go. Old fashioned is just that. Old fashioned. It's no reason to label a person or unfriend them for liking cock. No need to be in your face about it, but then again my understanding was you walked in on them.

Don't know mate. Easy for me to say but maybe over reacted a bit mate. Especially on the "friend" part. If he has / is your friend, let him like the cock. Doesn't change the friend part.

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Difficult. It's hard for me to get into your mindset because homosexuality is a thing I only concern myself with when people make a fuss about it. I don't care what gender my friends like as long as they like decent people.


On the other hand, if I caught any of my friends making out with other, married friends in my house, regardless of gender, I'd probably make a scene and throw them out, too. I'm a big about trust and loyalty.


I'm not sure if you handled the situation well in regard to your fiancée. She had the responsibility, but shoving it onto her although she was drunk... would not be the way I'd handle the issue with my wife. Which means just that: I don't know how you two handle these things normally, and I'm thus simply not sure if you handled it appropriately.


So, were you wrong? Don't know. You should probably talk with that Dean fellow, though. It's not fair towards his husband to leave him in the dark about such behaviour.


Personally I'm all for it but it is a delicate matter and has to be taken seriously when it's implemented. As far as I'm aware we only have one or two crimes left in Britain which would warrant the death penalty. High Treason against the Crown and Regicide. But it's never been enforced, mainly because it's never had to have been. Of course this could be one of those stupid urban myth type things. 


Now, this is the part where you're actually totally wrong. ;)  It's not a delicate matter at all. Killing people is wrong, regardless who does it. Why do people believe this is not true of revenge? Why would it be okay then? Baffling.

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It's not so much the gay part. It's that they knew damn well it's something I don't want it my face or my home. It's the total lack of respect for me, especially when they are guests in my home. To be fair I'd have kicked off if it was a guy and a girl doing it in my home. It's not the sort of thing you do when you're at someone else's place. Also old fashioned or not it's how I feel and it wont ever change. I am who I am. As for Joe, I've tried making contact to hash it out with him since and he's been pretty distant and I've had barely any contact with him since. I know you guys wouldn't want me coming round yours and shitting on the kitchen table so I don't do it. It's the same principle at the end of the day. 

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Maybe try to think it from a different perspective.

Does it really hurt you that your friend is gay? Do you want him to be happy? I suppose the answers are no and yes? Might take time to get used to the idea and you can politely ask them not to be in your face about it but I don't quite get that. If a person wants show affection, which they do, they should be allowed to (not you abs. Stop shagging the sheep.) and it it makes you uncomfortable I think it's you should take the high road and just suck it up (hehe), no reason to deny happiness from someone just because you're not used to it (still abs no).

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Also. Making contact with Joe. Imagine what that guy is going through if that was his first time and he was caught by his friend. He must be pretty damn confused and scared now. Especially since you raged about it.

Is he a good friend? If he is. Do him the same courtesy. And talk about respect with him later. :)

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Morning all! May your day be full of severe damage flips and passed horror duels.



Morning, Fiend. You're in a jolly mood.

Yeah, USA won yesterday. They also played pretty harsh for a friendly game, just to beat a new team learning the ropes.... Didn't enjoy the game much.


Really? Interesting. I didn't get that. I felt that a lot of the kids the USMNT was using were trying to prove a point. But then this is the US' last warm up match before the Gold Cup, so I can see how their intensity may have been high (too high?) for a friendly. And hard to say a team with Gotze, Shurrle, Khedira, Mustafi, etc are "learning the ropes," they all have WC winners' medals :)


But I don't want to start a debate. The USMNT fans can (rightly, I think) enjoy the victory while the Germany fans can write it off as a friendly (also rightly, I think).

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I totally get the attitude about "no hookups in my house". It's just, are you sure you would have enforced it the same way if it were a girl and a guy? If even slightly not, you must have terrified poor Joe.


Really? Interesting. I didn't get that. I felt that a lot of the kids the USMNT was using were trying to prove a point. But then this is the US' last warm up match before the Gold Cup, so I can see how their intensity may have been high (too high?) for a friendly. And hard to say a team with Gotze, Shurrle, Khedira, Mustafi, etc are "learning the ropes," they all have WC winners' medals :)


Well, yeah, they were part of the team, but not the ones who were on the field all the time. They are all pretty new to the national team, except Khedira.

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Oh are we still on the whole gladiator thing? Sorry that wasn't meant as a 100% this is how it should be thing. :D


Killing people is wrong no matter the circumstance and the whole eye for an eye thing, it's not so clear cut and black and white as it may turn out from the text I wrote. Seriously, I'm not one to be taken seriously most of the time. :P


I have a very dark sense of humour and sometimes I just let grenades like that out and forget to correct that I wasn't being all that serious. :D 

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Now, this is the part where you're actually totally wrong. ;)  It's not a delicate matter at all. Killing people is wrong, regardless who does it. Why do people believe this is not true of revenge? Why would it be okay then? Baffling.


Well, stating it's wrong is an opinion and not fact my friend :) . A the end of the day humanity has been killing each other for thousands of years for one reason or another. Who are we to state our set of moral values are any better than previous generations or civilizations? To outwardly state we are superior to them is borderline arrogant and I know you aren't like that. You're belief that a civilized society shouldn't enforce the death penalty is a belief instilled into you by modern society and influences. If you were born 200 years ago chances are you'd view the subject very differently. 


I believe there are certain situations where capitol punishment is warranted. It's a delicate matter because people are often strongly opinionated on the subject. I for one have my belief and others theirs. I don't think it's wrong to hang a man who's been proven without any reasonable doubt to have murdered say 12 children. In fact I'd probably volunteer to pull the lever.

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2. Dirial, I am totally okay with agreeing to disagree on social, political, ethical, etc things. We each have our own experiences and influences in life, and our own views are shaped because of it. You're still a good person in my book, and I do my best to be a good person in the books of others. I'll hold my tongue on such matters in the future if that would be agreeable to the room?


No need. Say your piece. Just be prepared that I will argue you to the last in some matters, death penalty being one of them. I'm an idealist who sees some of his ideals work when applied to reality. The kind who can get pretty vocal, you know. :D


Just don't do things like racism or holocaust denial or creationism or such shit, and we're good. Those things are a real turn off for little old me.

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Just don't do things like racism or holocaust denial or creationism or such shit, and we're good. Those things are a real turn off for little old me.


Add in politics and we have found our boundaries for the Playground. 

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Back to MD, the only thing I can say for certain is that if that Joe guy has been a good friend to you, or is a good friend to you. You should think about the situation he might be in and try to be the big man and take one to the chin even if did "disrespect" you. Who the fuck respects anything when they are drunk? It was not personal I am sure. Drunken passion. I know I've done my share of wrong while drunk and the day after is the most horrible one. I can only imagine what that guy is going through atm and I think he might need you as a friend, not as a judge. 

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Maybe try to think it from a different perspective.

Does it really hurt you that your friend is gay? Do you want him to be happy? I suppose the answers are no and yes? Might take time to get used to the idea and you can politely ask them not to be in your face about it but I don't quite get that. If a person wants show affection, which they do, they should be allowed to (not you abs. Stop shagging the sheep.) and it it makes you uncomfortable I think it's you should take the high road and just suck it up (hehe), no reason to deny happiness from someone just because you're not used to it (still abs no).


It don't care that he is gay, not one bit. It's how he acted that pissed me off. If I were in their home I'd just look the other way. It's their house, their rules. My home isn't a knock up shop for ever straight, gay or bi couple to hook up. It's where I go after work, it's where I want to spend my free time, it's supposed to be my safe place, my sanctuary. Not a place where people hook up and start jumping all over each other. 


Also. Making contact with Joe. Imagine what that guy is going through if that was his first time and he was caught by his friend. He must be pretty damn confused and scared now. Especially since you raged about it.

Is he a good friend? If he is. Do him the same courtesy. And talk about respect with him later. :)


He is a fairly good mate of mine yes. Gina has spoken to him. He doesn't remember my outburst, he was too drunk. I've held out the Olive branch though, all he has to do is apologize for his behavior and things would be back to normal. That's all I want, him to acknowledge he's done wrong and all will be forgiven. At this point I must stress, I'm not saying him making out with the guy is my problem, it's where and when he chose to do it. 

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Well, stating it's wrong is an opinion and not fact my friend :) . A the end of the day humanity has been killing each other for thousands of years for one reason or another. Who are we to state our set of moral values are any better than previous generations or civilizations? To outwardly state we are superior to them is borderline arrogant and I know you aren't like that. You're belief that a civilized society shouldn't enforce the death penalty is a belief instilled into you by modern society and influences. If you were born 200 years ago chances are you'd view the subject very differently. 


I agree wholeheartedly that my beliefs are instilled. I also really believe that our society is better in some regards than most 200 years ago. One of them is that we don't kill each other. We also let our women vote, don't rape and pillage our neighbors, and don't think that colored people are less worthy. Some things get better over time. Maybe arrogance, but I don't see the merit in returning to the old ways.


I believe there are certain situations where capitol punishment is warranted. It's a delicate matter because people are often strongly opinionated on the subject. I for one have my belief and others theirs. I don't think it's wrong to hang a man who's been proven without any reasonable doubt to have murdered say 12 children. In fact I'd probably volunteer to pull the lever.


And I would call you a murderer. Maybe you'd wish him dead. But if you killed him, you'd be no better than the child murderer in any regard. Doesn't matter who you kill and for what reason. It's still a wrong.


And of course that's just an opinion. I just believe that everybody who believes different is a bit of a dick. :P

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