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Morning all!



Any model within 6" of Shenlong can (0) Focus. 28" range at [+][+] to hit...


I do something similar with VS and Trappers from time to time. 


Trappers with I pay better do the same. :D It's not nice at all. :D


This! It's cuddly as fuck and you know it! :D



Mmmmm. Waffles. 


This may be controversial, but: American waffles >>>>>>>>> European waffles.


Gauntlet. Thrown. 


American Waffles = Poor Crappy, Chemical Infused imitation of European Waffles. *Gauntlet thrown back* :D

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Woah woah woah, let's not get carried away here. We all know that isn't true. Perdita alone is a better gunline than anything the Ressers can field :D


Well, true. No gun like hers. But all the other Guild models seem to be outgunned lately...  :(

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I was thinking of painting today again. If I finally would make some progress and could call some shit done already on the Lilith crew. I have more models incoming so I need to start working on those as soon as they hit the table. I'm on a pretty big deadline. Our campaing kickoff is next sunday and I'm still missing models for my starting roster and I'd like them painted for the first game. I think it's a bit of stretch though. 

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