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What do you guys consider the dutch national food to be?


Frikandl and Pommes spezial, with poffertjes or fla for dessert.


I just don't like it much. It's still tasty though, but I prefer other pastas.


You are insane. Lasagna is the greatest thing ever (and mine is not bad, to be honest).


Most of the world would say the British national dish is Fish and Chips or a Roast Beef Dinner. We don't eat them every day. It's what the people perceive to be your dish that makes it so. I've not had a roast dinner in weeks and fish and chips? Years! 


Germans are considered to be sausage munching, schnitzel loving beer drinkers who couldn't cook a solid meal if their life depended on it over here. You guys think we have shit food which is actually a pretty outdated stereotype, these days it's not nearly as bad as it used to be. 


I don't agree that others decide what the national dish has to be... and I've been to Britain a lot, and while I like some food, some is really not to my taste. Which is true of German food as well. And since when is Schnitzel not a solid meal?

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...............................That isn't a drug :D


It bloody well is, I spent 7 years of my life addicted to it. Good times! :D


In all seriousness I'd say something sausage based smothered in edam or goude cheese accompaied with sauerkraut. *shrugs* The Dutch also aren't renowned for their culinary prowess.  

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I don't agree that others decide what the national dish has to be... and I've been to Britain a lot, and while I like some food, some is really not to my taste. Which is true of German food as well. 


Fair enough, What would you consider to be your national dish?


And since when is Schnitzel not a solid meal?


Since, like, forever!

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*gets flashbacks to the terrible microwaved schnitzel*


Oh God, don't remind me.


It bloody well is, I spent 7 years of my life addicted to it. Good times! :D


In all seriousness I'd say something sausage based smothered in edam or goude cheese accompaied with sauerkraut. *shrugs* The Dutch also aren't renowned for their culinary prowess.  


I get the impression that the British have never left their island at all. Dutch food is so amazing that I stay in Dutch supermarkets for hours!

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America's national dish: Cheeseburgers and Jesus


Alas there is a large proportion of Britain going down the cheeseburger route. Not so much Jesus, we're not nearly as fucked up in the head as you guys are.


God's Nation... pffft... PLEASE! You'll NEVER see creationism in our country or schools. America just cuddles anybody who claims their opinion is a religious belief and therefor a right. 


"Sir that's the 7th big mac this hour"

"Fuck off, It's my religious belief and if you belittle me I'll sue you!"

"Of course sir, would you like more mayo to wash that down?"

"Sure, leave the barrel my good man!"



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So dutch food ranks above british food. It's something I guess :D


I'd rank the western European food traditions like this:





-BeNeLux (slightly unfair to lump them together, but you know...)


-Spanish/Portuguese (s. BeNeLux)




Personal taste of course.

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I get the impression that the British have never left their island at all. Dutch food is so amazing that I stay in Dutch supermarkets for hours!


It's surprising you think that considering all we do is bitch about the weather and our once glorious global empire. :D


I used to live somewhere in the Netherlands, coming from a British Military Family I've lived all over. Granted I don't really remember much as I was very young but the food was always nice in Maastricht.  

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I'd rank the western European food traditions like this:





-BeNeLux (slightly unfair to lump them together, but you know...)


-Spanish/Portuguese (s. BeNeLux)




Personal taste of course.


Interesting, here's how I'd rate it. 






BeNeLux / German


Eastern Europe... My god they eat some shit. 

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I wish condiments were that freely flowing! Drive through at any fast food place:


"Would you like ketchup with that?"

"Yes, extra ketchup if you can?"


*looks inside bag, 3 ketchup packets for a large meal*


First off, you don't ask if I want ketchup, you just put it in the bag. Second, you don't act all stingy with the packets when you have 5 gallon drums of the stuff that gets wasted daily from the dispensers inside. Third, I said no fucking pickles!! TWICE!!


Here, one usually just gets the bottles. Though not at take out. Not that fast food take out would be much of a thing here.

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I wish condiments were that freely flowing! Drive through at any fast food place:


"Would you like ketchup with that?"

"Yes, extra ketchup if you can?"


*looks inside bag, 3 ketchup packets for a large meal*


First off, you don't ask if I want ketchup, you just put it in the bag. Second, you don't act all stingy with the packets when you have 5 gallon drums of the stuff that gets wasted daily from the dispensers inside. Third, I said no fucking pickles!! TWICE!!


When ordering fries with mayo you usually get a ton of mayo on the fries. Serious overkill... 

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