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I tend to order my cards Master, Totem, Henchmen, Enforcers, Minions, Upgrades relevant to specific crews. I then order them in the frequency I use them so Viks, VS, Tara, Misaki etc. I also always have the Faction Upgrades at the front as I almost always have at least one or two of them in any crew I play. 

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You know how this works. zGuild, MD, zGuild, PD, zGuild, Abs etc. Just accept it as the natural order :D


~~Iiiiiits the ciiiiiiiiirlceeeeeee offf liiiiiifeeeee


(no apologies for broken glass)


Odd indeed that we haven't seen Dirial yet. Maybe zGuild did backstab him?

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So what are all of you lot doing today?


Working most of the day and then spending time with the Mrs this evening. Haven't seen her much over the last few days what with my stag do on Saturday, Recovery Sunday, Girly Wine Night on Monday and Demoing last night. Tonight is our night and fuck all is gonna take that away from me. *nods*



Do you guys miss the D?

Haven't you had your share of the D?

I'm sure you will see the D today.

Don't worry, the D will make an appearance.



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Yeah, real blessing once it happens. Normally, I'm an early riser, though.


I find my body has been conditioned to wake up early after years of getting up at the crack of dawn for work. Even on Saturdays and Sundays where I don't have to work I find myself waking up between 6 and 7am because that's what I'm used to, then I spend an hour or two rolling around in bed trying to get back to sleep only to give up at around 8am which is usually the most lie in I can achieve. It's so damn frustrating.  :angry:

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