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Name your price, Oh Glorious Mistress...


Also, spare? You just have an extra badass gator-wrangler laying around?


Also, if I remove the gator and sculpt a sheep, would it be going too far to call him McAbsblack?


Only if the sheep is black :D


In other words, do it!

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I bought all the old metal models from my LGS when they switched to M2E.  Also... I'm a bit of a hoarder, so I buy them at auctions, gen con, etc.  I have a TON of stuff and multiple copies of a lot of things, as well.


*whispers*  Like coryphee....

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I have four gunsmiths, I like to run them all at once!


I don't have a spare dead rider.  I ordered 4 widow weavers from the black friday sale, but sadly they didnt have them in the warehouse :(  So instead, I'm like... the only person in Nebraska that has a SINGLE widow weaver.  :P


As far as iggy?  I may have a spare.  I can check when I get home.

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Morning gang


Do we still do the drinking game?


Morning, everyone.


I'm waiting for the end of the scuffle for my next purchases. Will it be Molly or Hoffman? *excited*


If it's not Hoffman it will be a dark day for humanity. Molly will no doubt lead to Seamus, Seamus will lead to Nico or McMourning, they'll lead to Tara who leads to Outcasts so actually this all works out! Ignore me... Still sleepy *yawns*

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If it's not Hoffman it will be a dark day for humanity. Molly will no doubt lead to Seamus, Seamus will lead to Nico or McMourning, they'll lead to Tara who leads to Outcasts so actually this all works out! Ignore me... Still sleepy *yawns*


I already have McM and Seamus, but she will lead to Nicodem for the Punk Zombies, that's for sure.


Not sure how any of that leads to Tara, though. Tara's box includes nothing for the other Ressers.

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