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Ohhh fun >< I don't seem to be to allergic to it but I keep a safe distance from it when I can.

50% of your legs?! Oh dear sweat bippy that must have sucked >< It can take a while for the rash etc to go away right? Ugh that must have been an experience.

Yeah sounds like you got some ninja plants going on there man. I take it you've got some decently woodsy boarders to your yard?

Yeah, live on a cul-de-sac, with houses behind us, but there's a wooded easement in between, so probably 100 feet or so at the narrowest point, and then it widens. There's actually a very small pond back there, with some ducks. Kind of cool. :)

And yeah, poison ivy takes about a week or so to go away. Definitely sucks. Fight it with a lot of hot showers. The heat draws the histamines out of your skin. Gives a good 6-8 hours of relief usually. About the only way I could sleep the first day or two.

Worst part is, I don't mind doing yardwork, and it's fairly relaxing most of the time. Just slap on my iPod headphones and listen to some tunes or podcast or something for a couple hours. Never had to deal with poison ivy much growing up, because it just doesn't grow much in Florida. I never thought about running into it now that I live up north again, until it got me the beginning of this summer. I'm thinking it may have just crept into our yard this year, and hasn't been here before now. But if it's small and ninja like, that's why I haven't been able to track it down yet. But I'm definitely thinking it's near the back of the yard somewhere.

Hmm...work....yeah, should be doing some, LOL. Slow here too though. Got a dinner outing with work people, so free food at a nice place. So that's always awesome.

I do have my Friekorps about...oh...75% finished now? Mostly just detail work left to do on them. I seriously need to get some photos taken of stuff, but at the moment, I've got some stuff in my light box, LOL. So, need to get that sorted and put away, so I can take decent pics. :D

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hello everyone ..

I put together my recruits that came in the mail the other day , the second watcher and second guardian will give the hoff crew a boost for sure , basically picked up everything i didn't have yet for the guild . I am all caught up , anything i don't own for guild is not out yet !


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*rolls over and look down at the thread*

@Foe: Nice collection there man. I like what you did with the Guardian's leg, how hard was that to pull off? Really like what you did for your watcher though, thats going to look awesome when it's painted and done.

@Lobo: Lucky devil! And ouch on the amount of Poison Ivy. But hey, at least you don't mind yard work so that is a bit of a blessing in and off it's self man!

@Chocobo: Nice! How is it? I remember the original very fondly and I almost pulled out my old N64 just to give it a run again when I saw those adds.

@Yazza: Congrats! Welcome to the 1000 club! Now get to work on 2000 ;D

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Good Morning Malifaux!! Off to work at the Mall in a few XP

I wonder if Abs stole the sun again... and of course, it's impossible to question him because he has a baby now :D

If you read this, Congrats Abs!

*raises an arm and waves down to Fell from the outcrop*

Morning there Fell. Enjoying being able to sleep in huh? ;)

Yup, it is about that time for AB. Just waiting to hear the good news from him.

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*raises a hand to wave down at Lobo and Chocob* Heya guys.

@Lobo: Ahhh well enjoy yourself them! Good luck decapitating the grass.

@Chocobo: So hows the new game? Is it as good as the original and Master Quest versions?

Yep, slightly better, the improved graphic's and the 3D have improved the ascetic of the game and sharpen the looks of it as well

Design work hurts my brain... tooo much....

Will work for models

No running around with your head on fire, Eric. It's not healthy ;)

I thought he was made of fire

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