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I don't quite see a reason as to why spend money on those models that are pretty close to being so shit, they never see the table unless you play "special" games. :P


Seriously. I love the new Executioner models but there is never any reason to take one. Let alone two. Same goes for Lone Marshal. Guild Guard, well I'd say the same goes for them. 

Depends what you mean by 'special games'...


I don't pick net lists or tournament strong lists as i never like playing in that environment.  I like to play themed lists so all Marshals with Lady J for example, Guardsmen with Guild Lucius etc..I am not a 'serious' player and hate that mindset.  I pick up and play what i want, whether it fails miserably or somehow against all my playing skill, wins!


Plus as a Guild Player i like to have all the faction to choose from if i wanted to try out a new model or random list! They may never see the table much but as someone who hates using proxies, I just want to have the model there if i need it.

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Yeah me neither. I play in the same mindset as you but seriously there is pretty much always a good option compared to executioner. Like Judge for example. :D

But there will always be the crazy instance when i think..lets take an executioner with Justice..nah screw it, lets take two!


Even if only for the look on my opponents face  :)

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Enforcer brawl? So we have a place where the Executioner might be worth it.. :D Or did he just have a phenomenal card luck? 


He really did do well.  When models weren't around him, he healed himself.  When models were around him, he was insta-killing things and healing up because we didn't have enough cards to prevent his bloody exhibition... hard to keep cards in hand when you only start with four!

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