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I still blame the ScapeFiend!


Hahaha! I love this. I can see myself using it in every day life. 


"Hunny, who forgot to lift the toilet seat again?"

"It wasn't me! It was zFiend!"

"Doesn't he live in Finland?"



Aaaah ScapeFiend! You'll save me so many arguments! :D

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Hahahahahahahaha! :D

I'm gonna start using that as well.

"You fucker didn't text me back!"

"Yeah honey you see, it wasn't me, zFiend used my phone and decided not to text you."

"what? Who the fuck is zFiend?!"

"he's a dick."

I can see that working. Which reminds me of a story when I started working in sales. A freaking angry customer came to me yelling that the last sales person had fucked everything up last time he was there. So I went to the system to see just how properly everything was fucked and hoo boy where they. So I told the guy, yeah I can see that. Clearly it must be the new guy. To which he replied that yeah, that guy was the worst. I agreed with him all the while he kept dissing the previous sales person. That goddamn moron had no recollection it was me he had just previously encountered. So he left being all happy and glad that I was such a good guy to fix his shit up. :D

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I can see that working. Which reminds me of a story when I started working in sales. A freaking angry customer came to me yelling that the last sales person had fucked everything up last time he was there. So I went to the system to see just how properly everything was fucked and hoo boy where they. So I told the guy, yeah I can see that. Clearly it must be the new guy. To which he replied that yeah, that guy was the worst. I agreed with him all the while he kept dissing the previous sales person. That goddamn moron had no recollection it was me he had just previously encountered. So he left being all happy and glad that I was such a good guy to fix his shit up. :D


You sir... are a god damn legend!!! :D

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I can see that working. Which reminds me of a story when I started working in sales. A freaking angry customer came to me yelling that the last sales person had fucked everything up last time he was there. So I went to the system to see just how properly everything was fucked and hoo boy where they. So I told the guy, yeah I can see that. Clearly it must be the new guy. To which he replied that yeah, that guy was the worst. I agreed with him all the while he kept dissing the previous sales person. That goddamn moron had no recollection it was me he had just previously encountered. So he left being all happy and glad that I was such a good guy to fix his shit up. :D



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Also another one was when we started selling mobile internets. And if they broke they were sent to repair and we had been instructed to open a new for the time being.

So once a guy came in, dropped his mobile internet for repair and I told him I'd open him a new one. So I did with a 1m speed. Then the guy threw a shit fit that he doesn't have 1m, he wants the same speed he's paying for. And I was like we have been instructed to do this. But he kept going and then I was like fuck it fine. Let's see the speed you have. And he was all being it when he got what he wanted.

I went in, looked it up and he he had fucking 0,2m speed. I kept my cool and said you are right. You should get what you pay for. To which he said that it's the right thing to do. I said you are right. It is the the right thing to do and you deserve it. And he was all getting up and hyped about how he'd won. Then I said so I just went ahead and cut your speed to a 20% of the speed I originally made for you since that is what you are paying for. I hope you are happy now.

Fuck damn that guy was quiet when he left. :D

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Yay, parcel from online games store arrived today..has been awaiting stock since end of march!


I know have to add the following to the build list, but it means my Guild is up to date with all released models now..


3 more Death Marshals (so i can model them without fiery heads....yes i am THAT nerdy)

3 more Witchling stalkers....should cover all eventualities now.

The Lone Marshal

Guild Guard Box....I had them with lucius but the guy i bought them off lost an arm for the girl one....thinking now having three full models is fine.


Pathfinder and clockwork traps

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And zF your customer service antics amuse me greatly. Especially the bandwidth one ;)

Well the guy was a dick. Got his just reward. Besides I only did exactly what he requested. Thus gave great customer service. :P

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Hooray, I got my steamtrunk!  And it included a bunch of sketch paper... disappointingly blank.



That is a well travelled steam trunk.


Started in China, to the US, then to UK distributor, to my LGs, to my house...Then back to US to Crush and on to you!


It must be feeling unloved lol, give it a hug!

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The Lone Marshal

Guild Guard Box



I don't quite see a reason as to why spend money on those models that are pretty close to being so shit, they never see the table unless you play "special" games. :P 


Seriously. I love the new Executioner models but there is never any reason to take one. Let alone two. Same goes for Lone Marshal. Guild Guard, well I'd say the same goes for them. 

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