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Off Topic Playground

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Aaah of course, Yoga Pants. I forgot they are amongst the most high brow of topics for our humble thread. Apologies. 


If you forgot that. You're not forgiven. Get in the corner and think about what you've done. 

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She can deadlift 400 pounds... so in love ;)


For me muscular women doesn't really do anything. I like women to be in good shape sure, but there's a point when muscles start becoming more pronounced and I find it a bit of a turn off. She's a good looking gal but not my cup of tea. 

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Pro bodybuilder is definitely a no-go... there are limits to how much muscle a woman should biologically have before she becomes a man. Champion powerlifter, however, perfectly acceptable. I'm prodding my roommate with her picture now to make her do more squats lol


Male bodybuilders aren't in any way aestetically pleasing either, I think. There is a difference between strong and muscular. I like the former.

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