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Then it's not what she said because it makes no sense. And we cross off another one from you from which you should refrain from, this makes me sad though, but no more that's what she saids from you. Just poems. :(

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Then it's not what she said because it makes no sense. And we cross off another one from you from which you should refrain from, this makes me sad though, but no more that's what she saids from you. Just poems. :(


Alas, I cannot joke anymore

For they have become such a chore

A single tear was shed

Which is what she said

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Good one, PD!


So, I thought about Lady Justice yesterday evening, when I couldn't sleep. If this was still an open beta about her, I'd make the following adjustment propositions:


Base Card

Delete (0) Juggernaut. Add (1) Menace with a Ca of 5 :ram.



Change Bullet Proof +1 to Armor +1. Add (0) Juggernaut. Add Limited.



Add the :tomeTo the Pain trigger to her Greatsword (s. Bag O'Tools).


Flames of the Pit

Change to

"This model and all Death Marshals gain the following Abilities:

Terrifying (Undead) 11



What do you think? Does she seem more Master-like that way? More interesting? Upgrade choices more worthwhile? Upgrade costs might have to be adapted, I didn't think about that too much.

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I've been too many times on the end of a lady Justice beating to not consider her a master.


Changes seem okay. But I can't think too hard about those "Theoretical changes that will never happen" wishlists :)


Yeah, I get that. She got a lot of heat during the Wave 3 beta due to her not doing enough to win games, so that's where my thoughts are coming from.


Too much for Flames of the Pit - normal Death Marshals with Terrifying is a lot


Normal Death Marshals for 7 SS and an upgrade slot should have something. At the moment, that upgrade is way too bad. It would be bad for half the cost.

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Menace doesn't feel really all that thematic for LJ but I like the idea of some form of movement trick. 


I also like the sound of Armour instead of bulletproof.


Vendetta... spot on!


Flames of the Pit also makes sense. 


Well, her entrances on the train station in book 1.5 and Nicodem's tower in book 2 gave me the idea of Menace. I liked the idea of a push that doesn't imply ninja style jumping.


I changed the upgrades so she could either be played as a very hard hitting Scheme enabler or lock-down tank, not both. At vthe moment she's kinda in the middle.

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Too bad that ship has sailed. :(


Yeah, really sad about it. I think we all weren't active enough during the Wave 1 beta to make a difference, and now it's too late. Sometimes I wish I could send everything we know about the game today back to past-Justin. The rulebook would be way tighter on all the things the FAQ had to answer, and we wouldn't have to argue with Myyrä about RAW vs RAI as often.



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