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Sell it on ebay! If it's still there after May, I'd be interested, but not before. I'll not hurl myself into Ressers unneeded.


Someone tell me what is special about Guild Ball. In terms of mechanics, that is.


I'd be interested in this as well. I get the appeal of the models (though white metal... bleargh.)

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Its cool..I was just offering them here first..otherwise when I get home later they will be put on ebay.


Oh Dirial, still have that Nicodem box if you are interested, otherwise that can go on ebay too!


No worries. Just pointing something out. Hakuna Matata


Speaking of those, is the Kirai set still snowed in?

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I had an email from the guy who is building them and ironically Kirai is the last of the stuff I sent him to be done.  He has assured me they will be on their way to me before the end of May.  I will check them upon receipt and then let you know!


Just more patience then. 

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Looks like Blood Bowl with better miniature support. 


I never really got Blood Bowl either. You'd have to either be drunk or an affinity for randomness in general to enjoy it. Maybe it's also because I don't get the appeal of American Football either.

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My imagination gives me all the overall concept, plot, and beginning I need to make awesome stories. But that's it - like I was supposed to be triplets, but the ones that developed characters and came up with middle and ending story didn't make it. 


Their loss is the world's loss...


It is terrible indeed :(


I can come up with Plot, concept and worldbuilding, but I suck at beginning stories.

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My friends and I use it as our messing around lulz game. When we want to just run around and hit things, but don't want to bother with terrain and crazy setups. Good for an afternoon of laughs and all that. 


I was going to try the Blood Bowl tournament one year at Gen Con - those people frighten me. 76 players, chess clocks everywhere, and nobody laughing or cracking jokes. You'd think their loved ones were being held for ransom if they didn't win.


Like all other tournaments? I wonder why fun dies there...

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OOOHHH  I design good characters!!




I love Bloodbowl even though the design is not the best.  As Crush says though, it is more of a goof around game than serious gaming for me.


It was my first ever wholey GW game (I got Heroquest earlier) and that started me on the slippery slope to tabletop gaming..

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Also... WHOOHOO!!!


Your item, posted on 15/05/15 with reference RN007971464GB has arrived in KENNEDY NEW YORK and is being processed for delivery.


What? Mine just needs to hop the Channel and it's still prepped at Heathrow!

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Ramos strikes again!!


Down with oppressive taxes and watered down booze!!


We don't have that here, and they still try to keep my shinies from me!


Perhaps it's because it's all Mercs. Should have stuck to Guild models.

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