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Is it the thrash talking? :D


Nothing friendly about it though. ;)

Also I utterly fucking hate my phone. It's showing arm that I have 3g and no reception whatsoever yet it works like a wonder. When it's on 4g and full reception it works like shit.

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Nothing friendly about it though. ;)

Also I utterly fucking hate my phone. It's showing arm that I have 3g and no reception whatsoever yet it works like a wonder. When it's on 4g and full reception it works like shit.



Mobile Phones run on blood sacrifice and hate. They are more magical than science.

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I happen to have an iPhone, it's a fairly old model by modern standards but it's done me alright. I chose it because it was an upgrade to my old iPod. I think it's alright, it has it's quirks but I'm not one of these fanatics who "MUST HAZ ALL THE APPLE!" stuff. I just like the phones and operating systems. I get on with them more than Samsung which I've had nothing but problems with. 

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I've had an iPhone from the start. Until it's easier to break out of the ecosystem (music, mostly) I kind of feel trapped.

Decent products but I have a nagging feeling there are better phones out there. Love their laptops though. Those are excellent.

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lol, i am the opposite i have a samsung galaxy phone which is a few years old now.


Never had a problem, never wanted to upgrade.


To be fair, all i want a phone for is to text and make or receive calls.  Its a phone right?


I sometimes take a picture on it, or listen to a bit od=f music.  i even rebel and use the internet on it..but not very often.


But i am old compared to you lot and really don't need a phone to exist (like young people seem to these days!)



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I happen to have an iPhone, it's a fairly old model by modern standards but it's done me alright. I chose it because it was an upgrade to my old iPod. I think it's alright, it has it's quirks but I'm not one of these fanatics who "MUST HAZ ALL THE APPLE!" stuff. I just like the phones and operating systems. I get on with them more than Samsung which I've had nothing but problems with. 


My friend had an apple phone once. It was overpriced and was a pain in the ass to deal with. Didn't help that apple wanted a fortune to fix it. (It was within the warranty Apple was required to give by law.) 


But if it works for you, that is nice. Stuff is supposed to work properly, no matter the manufracturer. 

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It's the opposite around me. Apple causes nothing but hardware issues with their "phones," and the only complaints I hear about people who switch to Samsung are "this looks nothing like my iPhone."


See everybody I know who bumloves Samsung (Including the Mrs) always has their phone in the repair shop every 3 weeks because it's gone tits up, cracked screens or it's just gone bang. Seriously, those things break at the first sign of a stiff breeze or a violence sneeze. My iPhone has taken an absolute ass kicking in the time I've had it and it's never been a problem for me. My only complaint with it is the same time old complaint regarding Apple hand held devices. Battery life, it's shocking. It lasts about 24 hours then needs juice. Besides that I like my iPhone. I'll probably get another one when my contract comes up for renewal. 

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lol, i am the opposite i have a samsung galaxy phone which is a few years old now.


Never had a problem, never wanted to upgrade.


To be fair, all i want a phone for is to text and make or receive calls.  Its a phone right?


I sometimes take a picture on it, or listen to a bit od=f music.  i even rebel and use the internet on it..but not very often.


But i am old compared to you lot and really don't need a phone to exist (like young people seem to these days!)




I'm the same! I also occasionally use my iPhone for the odd App like The Breach, War Room, Warframe Alerts but that's not very often. It's a phone not a computer. 

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Brand loyalty really does come down to money invested. When I was in college all I heard was "the graphic design world swears by Apple. It's the greatest."


But then I raised my hand and said, "yeah, but doesn't like... the entire rest of the world run on PC? You guys have a PC in the corner running this entire Design Lab right there!" Needless to say, I saved a lot of fellow students money because we all shared pirated software and just used the extra net ports around the lab. I was popular ;)


Well, that works :D

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I think the general rule of thumb is if you can remember the sound of a fax machine or dial up modem you really aren't that fussed about a mobile phone. If you're young enough to still believe the internet has always been a thing then chances are you're some sort of selfie whore who plasters crap all over the internet using your phone and will probably die should you and your phone be separated for more than 15 minutes. The Mrs goes fucking mental when I hide her phone. She claims she "needs" it rather than "REALLY wants it". Obviously she doesn't "need" it, she needs oxygen and food, she wants her phone. Still... it's funny watching her get all moody over something so ridiculous :D

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*adopts oldster pose*


When I were a lad, t'internet din't exist.  We had to entertain ourselves...computer games loaded from cassettes.  Sodastream was fashionable.  Madonna was young. Porn was old magazines found abandoned in hedgerows.


Youngsters have it so easy, yet are always the grumpiest buggers out.  Go figure!



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oh yeah..dial up...


And then someone picking up the phone and saying..why is there a funny noise with the phone, its broken...


The good old days!



*childhood horrors*


I forget if we had dial up once.


Another blast from the past for you. Cassette Tapes, CD's, MINIDISCS!!! :D

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*adopts oldster pose*


When I were a lad, t'internet din't exist.  We had to entertain ourselves...computer games loaded from cassettes.  Sodastream was fashionable.  Madonna was young. Porn was old magazines found abandoned in hedgerows.


Youngsters have it so easy, yet are always the grumpiest buggers out.  Go figure!




I remember all of these and I'm only 28! 

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