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If you play Neverborn or Thunders you will want some Illuminated.

Thing is i am likely never to play them outside of a brilliance crew..i only play for kicks, never on a serious level and i like to keep within themes...don't think i could thematically put illuminated in a Misaki crew, or a Lilith crew for instance.


So if that is the case, i might as well buy the crew box lol!

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Like Torakage, Wastrels, Ashiga- wait, those are released,  and Rail Workers

so , almost every other '3' model minion included in crew sets seem to have been released separately, but not Illuminated.


Hmmmm..so they are really good, but everyone seems meh on the Huggy and Lynch?


So to ensure they sell more 'expensive' crew boxes they don't release the most important minions separately at a cheaper price?


Are Wyrd becoming money grabbing GW?




Just seems strange thats all..


I dont think anyone would care if Torakage, rail workers or Wastrels didnt get a separate release lol...

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No, they were released before the edition change.


Also, Lynch and Huggy are pretty darn good, make no mistake. But you can leave them out. Illuminated... not so much.


Also, they are pretty thematic with Neverborn Lucius.

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I dont think anyone would care if Torakage, rail workers or Wastrels didnt get a separate release lol...


Don't hark on Rail Workers! They are pretty cool.


And if you think about insulting their thematic Master: Don't.

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Rail workers are really cool. Too bad Mei Feng and Kang absolute waste of plastic with their sculpts.


If Mei Feng would look more like her artwork, I'd abandon the Guild without a thought. Or better yet, make her pose like the puppet one.


Did you guys see that Lady Justice in Jenn's painting thread?  Man, she looks good with short hair.


Yeah, I did a while ago. Her new sculpt has ridiculous hair, for sure. Although my major gripe with it is her crouch. She should be in Dita's pose, or perhaps charging. Would suit her style way better than an ultra-mobile ninja pose.

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