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Turns out the Welsh call it a Pinafal so they were WAY off the mark! :D

Not really...its a literal translation of pineapple lol..


Pin = Pine

afal = Apple


Mainly because Welsh is such an ancient language they had never seen a pineapple before lol...and then couldn't be assed to make up a word..so as usual we go 'what do the english call it?'  and change it slightly!!

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Note to Self: When visiting Wales, just ask for directions by requesting they point in the direction and tell me how far


That works better with men who actually use some mental map for orientation. Women tend to remember directions via landmarks.


The more you know.

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Note to Self: When visiting Wales, just ask for directions by requesting they point in the direction and tell me how far


Make sure you ask for the distance in miles rather than sheep. It'll make life easier!


Crush - "How far to Cardiff from Swansea?" 

Abs - "Well boyo, about 2600 sheep"

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Crush - "How far to Cardiff from Swansea?" 

Abs - "Well boyo, about 2600 sheep"


"..., give or take, depending on the mist!"

"What does mist have to do with distance?"

"You're in Wales, man!"

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I'm starting to think all the wallpaper in Abs' home is just Taylor Swift posters. 


And all the people in the house are just mannequins with her face drawn on. 





Between this and the sheep, are we sure zF is the real terror here?

The sheep is just a myth perpetuated by the english to make themselves feel better.


The 'Taylor' is the real thing.


Be afraid, be very afraid.....

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