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40k is ok, sometimes its the only game I can find opponents for at short notice.  But I agree, the fluff is much better (well the 30K fluff..i too, am loving the Heresy series..which one is book 31?  I am reading Scars at the moment, with Vengeful spirit and the damnation of pythos on the pile to read)

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And Marines for the win.  Fighting for the Imperium, the good guys no?  ;)


I was always more of a Necrons man myself. Stupid Space Marines got ruined when they removed the Salamanders Codex from the usual malarky. They had some cool rules. I even liked the -1 Initiative penalty because I got cheap Flamers and Meltaguns plus Master Crafted for EVERYBODY!! Then 4th or 5th Ed hit and it all went to shit. 

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My husband won a really neat 40k army at Adepticon.  Very nicely painted!  The guy who did it wasn't happy with the paintjob, so he kept it for a while longer and worked on it some more.  It turned out stunning.

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Real men play with pink space marines.


No, that's what you women want us to think! ;)


Real men play with Space Marines that are unpainted, incomplete as half of each model is still on the spruce and they are all unbased. That's the most popular chapter out there and by far the most versatile rules wise :D

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How do people actually have time for these online games?


I'm lucky if I get ten minutes to spare in an evening.


Oh hang on, I'm married..with a three year old...




You are suprised how much time you have to spare when you are a student with a love life emptier than zFiend's soul.

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