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Only rationale that I can see is that maybe they're so big that they're no longer considered to be scalping? Similar to a mob/cartel become so well organized that they just are part of the landscape. 


Because by going with the definition of scalping (buy low, sell to others at higher price) they are totally scalping.

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Speak for yourself. It's the afternoon rush before I leave and I'm on Amazon looking up Horus Heresy novels. Hate the tabletop, love the fluff. 


Lol. Went back to the dakka forums to read up on all the Eldar hate. I don't play anymore, but I used to. Played Eldar since early 90s. Love how they're now the best army out there ("broken" is being kind when describing them). So seeing all the hate makes me happy. 


Thing is, in some ways that forum is so much more mature (and less fun). Phrases like "guaranteed 6" D" get tossed around AND NO ONE MAKES ANY KIND OF JOKE. Cannot comprehend voluntarily engaging such a humorless group of people.

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The good thing is at least if we ever met up at a con, we would already have a crew to wander around as. Nothing sucks more than being the only person you know somewhere. 


Editor's Note: Next Gen Con I attend, first round is on me... at Brad's Brass Flamingo. 


Deal. *googles Brad's Brass Flamingo*


But you make a great point re: cons and whatnot.

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......Ok. Care to explain what that is?


Well, basically, zFiend hurls me through the room. We plan to do it when the minister asks something about reasons you two shouldn't join or something. If I understand correctly, I have to yell "Eagle".

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Well, basically, zFiend hurls me through the room. We plan to do it when the minister asks something about reasons you two shouldn't join or something. If I understand correctly, I have to yell "Eagle".


Couple of problems with this right off the bat. 


1. We aren't Christian so no Minister. The Mrs is pagan and I'm a souless heathen with no religious beliefs at all. 

2. zFiend would need to be the Hulk to hurl a sausage filled German like yourself across the room.

3. There is no room, we are getting married outside in a marque. (Pedantics I know but that's me!)

4. NO!

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Couple of problems with this right off the bat. 


1. We aren't Christian so no Minister. The Mrs is pagan and I'm a souless heathen with no religious beliefs at all. 

2. zFiend would need to be the Hulk to hurl a sausage filled German like yourself across the room.

3. There is no room, we are getting married outside in a marque. (Pedantics I know but that's me!)

4. NO!


ad 1. That is a just a timing issue. We shall find an appropriate moment.

ad 2. Well, he's the gym goer and I'm not a big guy. We will manage.

ad 3. I will be hurled across the bar then!

ad 4.




You walked into that one.

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So you use monthly blood sacrifices?


Bearing in mind it's the Mrs who's Pagan it took all of my Wp 1 to resist an incredibly sexist remark on that one. I wont go there.


Of course. They are English after all.


Well you know us Brits. There's nothing quite like offering a sacrificial lamb (courtesy of Abs) to our gods then chasing some cheese down a hill to get the weekend started :D

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