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I'm sad to see Jon Stewart leave The Daily Show. His replacement will never match him. 


Same. Part of me thinks they should just end the show. He created something damn near to perfection. Just give the new guy a brand new show in the same timeslot, but don't make him live up to Stewart's work.


That sounds like a bad porn line.. Please tell me you're not the plumber in this Montage..

He's the pizza delivery guy.

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Currently debating lunch. It's not quite 11am, but when you're up at 5 to go to the gym/run, 11am is a legitimate lunch hour.


Otherwise, will probably put together the Seamus box set. 


Oh man, felt so dirty typing that last sentence.

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So what all does everyone have planned for today besides trying to bleach the image of me and delicious pizza from their minds?

Now who would even want to bleach that?

I am going on a date in an hour and a half. :D

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Going out on a limb here - death metal (bonus points if northern european and/or mentions dragons) and off-the-wall horror movies.


Either that or J. S. Bach and some indie documentary on the plight of fishermen in Azerbaijan. 

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Metal and Battle Royale.

What is Battle Royale?



You want to delve into the flithy, dark depths of zFiends mind? :o

I have ben there before, it takes a while to get used to, but once you do it ain't that bad.

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