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Ok, you win...I have no comeback for evil jelly.

Bored. Bored.

Why are friday afternoons sooooooooooooo long?

Heh I hear you. Tonight is board game night + Beer + Chili and I really want to try and get the group to play Decent. I've had the game for a few months and only player twice and I like being the Overlord >.>

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#does waynes world time travelling action, with accompanying sound effect#

There ya go, its the 16th again for about twelve more seconds, so its relevant now......

Lol Waynes world... I have not watched that show/movie in quite a while... I should dig it up. That was a good watch....

Any way...


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Top o the mornin' to ya. ;)

Sorry, in Boston. Felt like affecting the Irish accent for a second there. ;)

@Fell: sorry to hear about your grandfather, but then glad to hear he's awake and talking. That's an edelman sign. Enjoy your time with him!

I'll probably be on more this afternoon/evening as I wait at the airport for yon plane home!

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Top o the mornin' to ya. ;)

Sorry, in Boston. Felt like affecting the Irish accent for a second there. ;)

@Fell: sorry to hear about your grandfather, but then glad to hear he's awake and talking. That's an edelman sign. Enjoy your time with him!

I'll probably be on more this afternoon/evening as I wait at the airport for yon plane home!

Hey Lobo.

Sorry couldn't make anything work out this week, just a string of bad timings on everything's part. If you make it out here again be sure to let me know.

Have a safe plane home and...


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Grrr, I have to get over this. Another forum I watch apparently has problems with me. I interfere with their warmachining so I am a big jerk. i agree with someone pointing out how someone elses attitude in not constructive and I am a jerk. I gotta get over this before it ruins my day. But ya know, somedays I wish I knew how to force choke....

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Grrr, I have to get over this. Another forum I watch apparently has problems with me. I interfere with their warmachining so I am a big jerk. i agree with someone pointing out how someone elses attitude in not constructive and I am a jerk. I gotta get over this before it ruins my day. But ya know, somedays I wish I knew how to force choke....

Eh find something else to focus on man, work or the internet etc and pay no mind to them. It is annoying when that stuff happens but if that's the reaction, then your probably best leaving that forum all together.

If I may ask, what forum is it? A major one? A local one?

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Local one: www.gearsandguts.com

Basically they are all impressed with how awesome they are at warmachine. (I am being an ass, I know, but I am irritated) and I don't play the game anymore. So every comment I make is villified. I actually think the big stink is I try to play other games on "warmachine night" because that is when people are playing so that threaten the press ganger, who is who I have a problem with. The store says it is fine, they don't discriminate. He either has a very negative opinion of me, or just doesn't like me poaching gamers <shrug>

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Local one: www.gearsandguts.com

Basically they are all impressed with how awesome they are at warmachine. (I am being an ass, I know, but I am irritated) and I don't play the game anymore. So every comment I make is villified. I actually think the big stink is I try to play other games on "warmachine night" because that is when people are playing so that threaten the press ganger, who is who I have a problem with. The store says it is fine, they don't discriminate. He either has a very negative opinion of me, or just doesn't like me poaching gamers <shrug>

Ahhh ok, not a very fun situation to be in but the PG has to learn to back off. The Store sets the rules not him. But well, not a whole lot you can do in all honesty besides just not indulge him.

Play Malifaux and draw more people into the game who are interested, but don't give into his taunts and barbs. Just remind him people will play what they want and he has no say in what they play ;)

Otherwise it sounds like you let him get under your skin, not an easy thing to stop I'm sure but that sounds like step 1. Who cares what this guy says in the end? Just be polite etc and keep playing the games you want and don't fall into any of the major traps (like arguing game against game). Otherwise, maybe put in to become a Henchmen. This way if he wants to try and pull some sorta "Well I'm a press ganger neener neener neener" your at the same point as him ;).

Otherwise he if keeps causing problems, speak to the LGS owner if they are approachable and try to lessen up on any "jerk" like actoins you may be doing ;)

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Finally, it was more of a case of poking him until he said what was really on his mind. I think it is cleared up now, hopefully things will be smoother in the future. No Sketch, I just moved (back) to WI last year, my warmahordes years were briefly in MI and then St. Louis. Honestly I don't think it is a bad game/system, I just think it has gotten awfully big and I can't keep up with releases. Another reason I like Malifaux is it is easier to take bite sized chunks... now what do I want for my birthday... :firedevil It is a tossup between :snowstorm and :nekima vs. :vonschill and the viktorias.

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Local one: www.gearsandguts.com

Basically they are all impressed with how awesome they are at warmachine. (I am being an ass, I know, but I am irritated) and I don't play the game anymore. So every comment I make is villified. I actually think the big stink is I try to play other games on "warmachine night" because that is when people are playing so that threaten the press ganger, who is who I have a problem with. The store says it is fine, they don't discriminate. He either has a very negative opinion of me, or just doesn't like me poaching gamers <shrug>

Pont #1. We are awesome.

Point #2. I'm glad you and the person you had issues iwth is cleared up. As there are 3 pressgangers, and the post is not about me, i have a 50/50 to guess. :)

Point #2.5 I actually like a variety of games being played personally on on our game night.. As long as There is enough room for warmachine players to play on their game night. I think its fine to get other stuff going if there is room.

Point #3. you are very friendly in person, (and our one game was DW was fun) but you rarely make a post on the other forum without dropping in at least 1 negative comment in almost every post. You dont need to be full of happyness and rainbows, but when you are always negative about warmachine on a warmachine forum, people will get a bit annoyed over time (shocking I know) I think your online persona just rubs people the wrong way once in a while..

point #4. we should be talking abour DW more :)

Random Point #5. The chicago crew for warmachine has grown larger since Weirdsketch left, but it took them a long time to finally start getting some competitive tournament players again.

point #6 I always keep an eye these forums, because I think tMalfiuax is an interesting game , but it just didnt stick on me after I played it for a few months, but I'm interested in watching it develop.

edit ---.. oh another madison poster right after me... exciting... 3 in a row... 2 more and we win a prize.

Edited by carnage4u
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things presented here are not painted in the proper light.

the game store in question has warmachine/hordes gaming night, that is not to say that other games cannot be played. Nor are they ever discouraged. We just want a good environment for all gaming.

Elril and I had a general failure of communication in all aspects. We should have just talked about it, cept I let it build and reacted badly to his comments on our forum.

We had a bad gaming experience during a time when he first moved up here, there was outside baggage he had not related to the game that did not help with that experience. Others felt very similar during that time, and it clouded any future encounter with each other.

I basically held an unjust grudge during that time, and have apologised for that. He has apologized and explained his side to me as well.

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Well in all honesty this isn't really the place to debate about who is wrong and right. Nor is it really our business to stick our nose into anything any deeper. But it is good to hear things seemed to be cleared up to a point.

One of the best things about an LGS is that you can build that tightly knit group of friends and fellow gamers who enjoy the experience of whatever games they play. So I am at least glad to hear fault admitted on both sides because it's a terrible shame when an LGS divides. Like a House, it won't stand divided for long.

Edited by karn987
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