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This is easily the most entertaining day at work in here in a while. My office pays me for this. And then I buy Wyrd minis. 


I'm living the dream.


Yeah, I had a little buyer's remorse earlier when I ordered the Seamus box. Not anymore. Not only are the models great, but supporting a company that interacts and respects (mostly) its customers sych as Wyrd is something I will happily do.

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Yeah, I had a little buyer's remorse earlier when I ordered the Seamus box. Not anymore. Not only are the models great, but supporting a company that interacts and respects (mostly) its customers sych as Wyrd is something I will happily do.


Interacts? Definitely.


Respects? Ehhhhhhh.......


But you're from DC, which is where I moved from when I got this job, so we're BFFs. I won't edit you, my Beltway Brother.

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Words are words. A zF meme is immortal.


Also, on the topic of location, I lived in Jersey City right after college. I worked at Hollywood Video for a bit, off that main road that I forget the name of. But there were a lot of those little private buses running down it that would take you into the city.


I'm glad I left, but it was a cool time for what it was :-P

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I can't help but respect you now. You lived down the rough section that I have no business being in :)


I'm in the Heights. Hooray somewhat safe living conditions!


Yeah, it was interesting. My Spanish wasn't quite good enough for it.


That said, it was definitely not a great area, but I'd get off work after midnight (because a video store) and walk about 1.5 miles home (no buses that late), and it wasn't a problem. I mean, I was there like 8 years ago now, but it didn't seem to be too terrible. My understanding is that it had been getting better.

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You a BvB fan, or just anti-Bayern (which is what I am)?


BVB played a really bumpy season, so I'm in favour of the underdog. I'm also anti-Bayern.


Also, why does someone with such bad taste have to be such an awesome conversation partner? Why?

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