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I live and hope that one day, just one day he might not be so... zFiend. 


You are right. We all hope so. He just likes crushing those hopes.



There are days after being on here I feel myself dying a little inside. zFiend's influence crosses oceans! I wouldn't be surprised if there was a Cult forming somewhere in the world getting ready to worship his insane ramblings AKA "Teachings"


*hides zFiend cult robes*

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Cult of zFiend..? That would be amazing!

After an hour of reading through my "teachings" the minister could go "and that is the disappointing end of our time today" to which the whole crowd replies in unison "that's what she said". :D

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Cult of zFiend..? That would be amazing!

After an hour of reading through my "teachings" the minister could go "and that is the disappointing end of our time today" to which the whole crowd replies in unison "that's what she said". :D



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No. I play malifaux for over an hour.


You missed that opportunity. Sorry if I'm not funny today. I am in a shitty mood....


My foundation spray can just malfunctioned. Joy of joys. I'll have to clean my fingers with my wife's nail polish remover. Shit.

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Not going to bait, hmm?



You missed that opportunity. Sorry if I'm not funny today. I am in a shitty mood....


My foundation spray can just malfunctioned. Joy of joys. I'll have to clean my fingers with my wife's nail polish remover. Shit.


Thats not good Dirial. I feel for you :(

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Cult of zFiend..? That would be amazing!

After an hour of reading through my "teachings" the minister could go "and that is the disappointing end of our time today" to which the whole crowd replies in unison "that's what she said". :D


And now my children, it is time to read from the Gospel. 


"It was written and so shall it be, a man shall take thy woman and thoroughly fuck up thy dates. He shall backhand thy wench unless she adorns herself in thy fanciest of parasols. He shalt spendeth all thy time at the excersizorium and become fond of the dead. You shal't not press thy flesh with Myrra"


Here ends our semen *coughs* ahem, sermon. 


Crowd replies "That's what she said"

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And now my children, it is time to read from the Gospel. 


"It was written and so shall it be, a man shall take thy woman and thoroughly fuck up thy dates. He shall backhand thy wench unless she adorns herself in thy fanciest of parasols. He shalt spendeth all thy time at the excersizorium and become fond of the dead. You shal't not press thy flesh with Myrra"


Here ends our semen *coughs* ahem, sermon. 


Crowd replies "That's what she said"


I wonder what is more terrifying. The idea of the Cult of zFiend or the fact that we can all imagine it clearly.

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I wonder what is more terrifying. The idea of the Cult of zFiend or the fact that we can all imagine it clearly.

I know both of them are amazing! My first recruit will be the great preacher of the filthened word. CJ, The Pope of Filth. He seems to agree with me the most.

Isn't that guy amazing?

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I wonder what is more terrifying. The idea of the Cult of zFiend or the fact that we can all imagine it clearly.


I imagine it as the Cult of the Black Goat. Romping through the woods, performing crazy fertility rites, and the high priest is part of the social elite, of course.

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