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Hell will be a party. All the cool people will be there.

Then it will be hell for everyone in there. Eternity of that's what she said jokes. I might be the first one to get kicked out of hell. :D

"okay you gtfo, I know this supposed to be torment and suffering but for fucks sake. We have some standards here. You're out."

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I have a feeling I won't be going to Heaven or Hell..

Knowing my luck I will turn out to be immortal and have to stay on this planet evermore..

Still, as long as zfiend isn't immortal..it could be ok! ;)

Well I ain't going to heaven neither. So we'll have all the eternity here my friend! And taken into account we'll be here forever.. I will find you. And there will be that's what she said jokes.

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Won a Johanna mini on ebay for essentially the same price the regular mini will be.


Only drawback is the paintjob is horrendous...but looking at it they have at least used acrylic paints so shouldn't be too hard to strip!


Plus she is assembled....one less on the production line!  And she will fit into my all girl (on girl) Viks crew if needed.

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We laugh at your Justice. a single Flesh Construct will be more than enough to hold her in her place and if it dies, well it's not like we only have one, now is it? :P


I usually just ignore Flesh Constructs, push her out, and charge something. Works reasonably well.


Also, she does a lot of her things quite well in combat with a Flesh Construct. Like deleting conditions, providing buffs and deleting corpse markers.

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