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@AB: Thats great to hear! Glad she is doing well and being kept company =)

@Fell: That doesn't count! *Grumbles and eyes fell* Fine then... *takes out a piece of paper, puts a 1 on it and puts it away*

@Fells Sig: Yeah thats a bit of an old thread. Some of the Sigs were a page long nearly XD But yours is more then fine. Mine I think hovers right on the edge.

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I think I'm off for a bit... I'll be back to check in around 930 or so :)

Have fun corralling the kids!

*Snaps fingers and massive Pale horse stops next to Fell*

You can borrow the horse if you need it XD Just be careful.... it does eat people now and then.

*Eyes the horse as it snorts green mist*

@AB: Enjoy lunch man!

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Have fun corralling the kids!

*Snaps fingers and massive Pale horse stops next to Fell*

You can borrow the horse if you need it XD Just be careful.... it does eat people now and then.

*Eyes the horse as it snorts green mist*

@AB: Enjoy lunch man!

I am enjoying a tuna and sweetcorn with mayo roll!

And i take it that horse isn't Binky then? From terry pratchett's discworld?

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I am enjoying a tuna and sweetcorn with mayo roll!

And i take it that horse isn't Binky then? From terry pratchett's discworld?

No... no it's not >.>

It's the Pale Horseman's Horse... Death's Horse.


But I guess she could always ride Ruin...


I think Ruin may be more appropriate for her.... *Stands back to ponder*

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How does he not fall off backwards with that sword? Thats what we should be pondering...

Simple! He is the Rider of War XD

He doesn't have to obey the laws of physics and what not... he is being capable of slaying the masters of Heaven and Hell.

That... and the guy is built like a tank, serious >.> he is about 8' tall and 6' wide....

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Simple! He is the Rider of War XD

He doesn't have to obey the laws of physics and what not... he is being capable of slaying the masters of Heaven and Hell.

That... and the guy is built like a tank, serious >.> he is about 8' tall and 6' wide....

Lol. So's his sword!

And the first person who says 'its just a computer game and its not real' will get a slap.......

From Fell.

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Lol. So's his sword!

And the first person who says 'its just a computer game and its not real' will get a slap.......

From Fell.

..... He's to badass for gravity? Gravity can't touch this? He's doing the Electric Slide around the laws of Physics?

I don't know how many more bad song puns I can do....

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Congrats to the Bruins! That was a fantastic game last night. I had fun multitasking and painting up some necropolis for my Levi crew while watching the game. Got them about 50% finished I guess. Zerg inspired purple! :D

It was, it most definitely was. There were parties in the streets in Boston and fires in Vancouver XD

Necropolis huh? Gotta get some pics up soon man. Same with me though >.> Desolation Engine 1 is nearly done... perhaps once he is 100% Ill post up my full Levy Crew with the unmodified models, the 2nd set of SPA's and Engine are still heavily in the building process and pieces ;)

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Strolls into thread 2 hounds close by ...

whats up a all , had a campaign game against hammy and his rats last night , and wow how annoying . I basically ignored everything and just went about completing my objective which where destroy evidence , kill nix , body guard Hoffman . I had lost Hoffman last turn do to me not being able to get the peacekeeper to leave melee range . Turn 1 I was able to get 2 of the evidence markers which was pretty cool . the game was tied at 6 too 6 .

Hammy is tough to face , eventually over 6 turns you lose most of your crew its hard to stop that , especially if you have to get in there and get things done . Getting slaughter would be nice other than that , its an up hill fight .

but I had a great game it was close and I had a great time , and I found a pretty good Mexican restaurant close by .

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Strolls into thread 2 hounds close by ...

whats up a all , had a campaign game against hammy and his rats last night , and wow how annoying . I basically ignored everything and just went about completing my objective which where destroy evidence , kill nix , body guard Hoffman . I had lost Hoffman last turn do to me not being able to get the peacekeeper to leave melee range . Turn 1 I was able to get 2 of the evidence markers which was pretty cool . the game was tied at 6 too 6 .

Hammy is tough to face , eventually over 6 turns you lose most of your crew its hard to stop that , especially if you have to get in there and get things done . Getting slaughter would be nice other than that , its an up hill fight .

but I had a great game it was close and I had a great time , and I found a pretty good Mexican restaurant close by .

Sounds like a tough, hard fought game. So is it because Hamelin is just too over powered? I see a lot of threads dissing the plagued one, in a similar vein to those about Pandora.

And mexican food..always good! Tequila!

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Strolls into thread 2 hounds close by ...

whats up a all , had a campaign game against hammy and his rats last night , and wow how annoying . I basically ignored everything and just went about completing my objective which where destroy evidence , kill nix , body guard Hoffman . I had lost Hoffman last turn do to me not being able to get the peacekeeper to leave melee range . Turn 1 I was able to get 2 of the evidence markers which was pretty cool . the game was tied at 6 too 6 .

Hammy is tough to face , eventually over 6 turns you lose most of your crew its hard to stop that , especially if you have to get in there and get things done . Getting slaughter would be nice other than that , its an up hill fight .

but I had a great game it was close and I had a great time , and I found a pretty good Mexican restaurant close by .

Morning Foe *tosses his Dogs a bone*

Sounds like a rough fight and my experience with Hamelin has been heavily mixed. In general he is a tough fight but other games I've just completely wiped the floor with him. Lilith is pretty fantastic against him and Pandora can really turn him on his head. The Dreamer has issues dealing with him since it's hard to get through all the Rats, but his speed makes objective based Schemes easy at east.

Sounds like a hard fought game though and hey a tie isn't bad against him!

@Mexican Food: Some can be good, others make you run for the Head. ;)

@AB: never been a big Tequila fan to be honest.

And Hamelin is not Overpowered per-say... he is just... a handful to deal with but in a different way then Pandora is. Lets just say his mechanics work a bit to well together XD

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