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A really old and good friend of mine is sinking in on this. It's really ridiculous since I've known him since childhood to listen and watch the shit he utters nowadays. :D

Also he has a huge 80's boner and he has a band that plays really 80's music. Last of his shows I saw he was rocking a wife beater shirt. I told him after the show that it was illegal to wear one unless you bench press over 100kg (220lbs?). He was mad at me for a long time. :D

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I don't think I can benchpress anything significant

Join the club..in fact I wouldn't even entertain the idea of trying.. I am more of the mind that as long as I run and cycle regulary and maybe do a little bit of toning, I will be fine in the zombie apocalypse...


Surely having ripped upper body strength is only good up close and personal?


Not that advisable with a flesh munching zombie...


Whereas great cardio vascular?  FTW!!

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