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I don't wrangle sheep...They are more like ornaments to make the grey landscape look pretty.


I wouldn't wrangle gators.....too many teeth.  And so have the gators.


As for women, I am married so I can hardly wrangle any other female, even if I wanted to (in case she is reading this).  As for my darling wife I would be happy to wrangle her if she so desired but I fear any heavy handedness and not the softly, seductive approach would resort in damage to my physical self!

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As for women, I am married so I can hardly wrangle any other female, even if I wanted to (in case she is reading this).  As for my darling wife I would be happy to wrangle her if she so desired but I fear any heavy handedness and not the softly, seductive approach would resort in damage to my physical self!


Preaching to the choir! 

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Wish I could like the Ren and Stimpy clip ten times.


Venture Bros. is great, especially if you remember reruns of old Jonny Quest cartoons.


I've been watching Gumball, Teen Titans Go, and Uncle Grandpa lately. I tried Steven Universe but it wasn't my thing, even though the quote "if every porkchop was perfect, we wouldn't have hotdogs" amuses me. Clarence alternates between funny and disturbing.


I want to know where Ed, the Monkeys (Mister and Web), and everyone else is.

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yeah, where are they..have the stooges frightened them off? 


Or have they been......taken?


*looks around*


whatever, more coffee and bacon sandwiches for me.


I've been buried in paperwork and data input for the past 4.5 hours. Only just finished. Now I need a ciggy and home time so I can murder something on my PS4. My brain is utterly frazzled after typing out an entire construction specification so I was too busy to frightens anybody although my shocking lack of skill often freightens people away from a game on Vassal :D

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I've been buried in paperwork and data input for the past 4.5 hours. Only just finished. Now I need a ciggy and home time so I can murder something on my PS4. My brain is utterly frazzled after typing out an entire construction specification so I was too busy to frightens anybody although my shocking lack of skill often freightens people away from a game on Vassal :D


Oh come on, your skills can't be that lacking....

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Depends on the beer level. He does make some epic shit. :D


Well I do too, I just do it sober.. :(


Yeah at least I can blame the booze. You have no such excuse! That 6 Death Marshall's list for example...  ;)



Drunken Malifaux Master?


I've played zFiend more times drunk than I have sober and the results have been.... interesting. :D

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Yeah at least I can blame the booze. You have no such excuse! That 6 Death Marshall's list for example...  ;)




I've played zFiend more times drunk than I have sober and the results have been.... interesting. :D



6.... Death Marshall.... list....?


Interesting results for sure....

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Oh yeah that list was the bomb! 


Not quite how I recall that game going. If I recall the only thing you achieved was bringing Von Schill to 1 wound only to watch him rip off his shirt, pay a visit to his Trunk and chat up a Librarian and go right back up to 11 wounds. I think you may have scored 1 maybe 2 VP compared to my 8 or 9. I think you learn't to truely fear the Trapper that day as well, he was epic! :D

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