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Also, I have just been informed by a Brasilian girl that I have to spend a weekend with her at the beach during peak Malifaux miniature release season. Adult life is so unfair... 


oh, boo hoo, how terrible :P


Of course, that opinion is based entirely around the popular depiction of Brazilian women in the media, so maybe I'm missing something here...

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As with all people, its an individual basis. In this case, she also does MMA, so "fit" is an appropriate term.


Of course not. Now sit back in your chair, grab your frosty beverage, and let the cold, heartless glow of the box control your every thought... 


So I'm right, just in a slightly different way then ;)


I was just riffing on the stereotypes that pop culture injects into the collective consciousness. It's amazing how some of them persist despite global connectivity. The old "Russian women are all ugly beasts" one has been thoroughly disproven, yet the one about Brazilian women still exists.


Still, the minis will be there when you get back. An amazing vacation with your badass girlfriend is way more important.

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