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And that's where zFiend has made his lair. He's like a filthy cave troll. A filth troll.


I'm pretty sure you are insulting Trolls right now.


I'm not entirely sure how this translates but this is one of the phrases zFiend has used 


"Kapitulation Ihre Arschloch"


"Give your dick"? *looks at Dirial*

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I'm not entirely sure how this translates but this is one of the phrases zFiend has used 


"Kapitulation Ihre Arschloch"


The literal translation would be "capitulation your asshole" (with a non-translatable inflection error). That doesn't make a lot of sense, but could be intended to mean "hand over your asshole", "give up, you asshole" or even "I give up, signed Asshole". Knowing zFiend, I presume the latter one. :D

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Hello all, hope you had a good weekend. I did!  I got pretty drunk Friday whilst at a friend's birthday drinking session at the local pub. I was on a REAL tasty beer called Devil's Backbone American IPA. T'was awesome stuff! Although due to this beer I had to call Saturday a write off! I suppose they call it Devil's Backbone for a reason! 


*Patiently awaits alcoholic comments from Dirial*


Doesn't this mean you have to give up your Card-Carrying Englishman License? American Beers are (supposedly) never as good as English ones? I scoff at that- *scoff, scoff*. Though your mainstream brands are way better than ours (Harp vs. Budweiser? No contest- Budweiser is one of the worst beers in the universe- at least Pabst Blue Ribbon admits it's cheap beer for cheap people).


Though on a side note, PBR can be an awesome cooking ingredient. My girlfriend once made Hipster Cupcakes with PBR in the batter, and donut glaze vodka in the frosting. They were excellent, but the philistines she worked with didn't appreciate them. I have to convince her to make them for the next party we attend.


Also, getting drunk is nothing to be ashamed of. Getting drunk on a beer with the word American in its name, though...


Go drink a Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA- or anything from them, actually. As an alternative, you can drink an Arrogant Bastard Ale. I'll wait.


Of course, those beers are meant to be enjoyed. If we want to get trashed on the cheap, that's what malt liquor is for- the old-school gangstas know what's up.


Also, another of the worst beers in the universe is Beck's. It always tastes like it has gone bad. I've given it several chances and it always sucks.


Sometimes I feel that if there is a hell, and I go there, it'll be pretty much the same as Earth, except Beck's and Budweiser will be the only beers available, the only sodas will be Diet Coke and Caffeine Free Diet Coke, and the only food will be McDonald's.

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British Beer is vastly superior to American stuff. When I say beer I actually mean beer or ale and not that chemically infused lager trash. Hats off to the Germans and Belgians though. They brew a damn fine tipple! I've had a few nice American beers in the past but they are rarer than an BNIB Widow Weaver! 


Arrogant Bastard Ale? sign me up! :D



Oh, and my title is The Cooler. Because much like Mr. Tannen, where I go, conversation dies.



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Seriously? A Brit and an American arguing about whose beer is better?


I'll take that Arrogant Bastard Ale, please. Sounds enjoyable, at least in comparison. :D


It's good if you like a strong bitter ale. It also layers perfectly with a nice pear cider- goes back and forth between bitter and sweet like a pinball.


It's less "arguing whose beer is better" and more "pleading with the rest of the world not to judge us by the big American brands, because any American who has tried more than 3 beers knows they suck, too."


British Beer is vastly superior to American stuff. When I say beer I actually mean beer or ale and not that chemically infused lager trash. Hats off to the Germans and Belgians though. They brew a damn fine tipple! I've had a few nice American beers in the past but they are rarer than an BNIB Widow Weaver! 


Arrogant Bastard Ale? sign me up! :D




I see what you did there :P


Again, comparing big name American beers to big name beers from most of Europe is futile- American macros are largely terrible. Sam Adams is decent, and Yuengling is pretty good, but to get the worthwhile stuff you have to go micro.

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