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So, for the Europeans out there (well, all others are invited to discuss, of course):


What do you think of the new Greek government? Did they promise too much without really thinking about it? Or are the other governments just shutting them down hard because they don't like the leftist ideas? Should they get time to try their ideas, or should they be forced to adhere to the established pacts? Do the other nations even have the right to force them? Should they get that Nazi credit money back from Germany, like they think (not talking about war reparations here)?


This really interests me, but if you don't want to talk about politics, just say so.

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So, for the Europeans out there (well, all others are invited to discuss, of course):


What do you think of the new Greek government? Did they promise too much without really thinking about it? Or are the other governments just shutting them down hard because they don't like the leftist ideas? Should they get time to try their ideas, or should they be forced to adhere to the established pacts? Do the other nations even have the right to force them? Should they get that Nazi credit money back from Germany, like they think (not talking about war reparations here)?


This really interests me, but if you don't want to talk about politics, just say so.


I literally have no opinion on the matter. Politics and politicians just piss me off. They are all a bunch of crooked liars who promise the world to get into power and very rarely keep those promises once they have got in. 


The last time I listened to any politics was back when Britain was discussing the issue of leaving the EU and Angela Merkel was kicking up a stink about it. I raged for days about the matter. Same goes for Religion, I just go off on a rant and end up getting myself all wound up so I don't pay any attention to it. I had some poor Johovah's Whitness at my front door the other day. Whilst they were trying to convert me to Christianity I was trying to convert them away from it. By the end I got frsutrated by the guys ignorance, stupidity and lack of common sense and rather angrily asked them to leave (Polite Version) 

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I am in the same boat with MD. Politics is the most useless subject to talk about. As it will change nothing. It's always the same empty promises and lies from the same corrupt knobjockeys time after time. Also as it is so far from our reach to actually make a difference I rather it be something that happens somewhere but won't make it into my bubble of life.

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Okay, I get your points, although I don't share the opinion. I'll drop it.


So, let's talk about food instead? What do like better? German food or Greek food? ;)


German food all the way! Sausages and FRIKADELLEN!!!!!


Then compare that too Feta Cheese and Olives... No Contest! 


I think my favorite food has to be Chinese or Thai though. Damn they do some tasty dishes! 

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I sadly cannot eat Thai anymore. Sauce-Bernaise-Effect.


I'm a big fan of Greek food, as I love olives and feta cheese, and gyros! Still prefer my Schnitzel, though. I think I'll eat Schnitzel today. Yeah.

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Chinese and thai food are amazing. Especially thai food.


Amen! I went to a Resteraunt a while ago called the Blue Mango in Bournemouth, England. They had a starter course that was Chicken... STUFFED WITH CHICKEN! There was some noodles and chilies in there as well but Chicken stuffed with Chicken sounded to utterly epic I had to try it. Awww it was good! 


I also tried this Indian dish once called Shandesh. Oh my god I've never had anything like it. It's shredded chicken pan fried with herbs, spices and chilli wrapped in bread and fried. NOM!

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I kinda just pull them out of people. 


Usually when I walk past a mirror I throw a few insults of my own. like "You dirty filthmonger" "you're a dick" etc. :D


Sure you're not Mr Kittens?


Also, I think you insult the Guild player inside you. You should resolve those issues.

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I kinda just pull them out of people. 


Usually when I walk past a mirror I throw a few insults of my own. like "You dirty filthmonger" "you're a dick" etc. :D


I've seen some of the things you say to your girlfriend so I can only imagine the things you say to yourself! 

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