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Yay Hugs?

As long as its from you and not Girr.... he's sticky >.>

But I love Girr, the show is great even without him but he really kicks it up another notch.

"Girr..... why is there BACON IN THE SOAP!"

Gir: "I made it myself!"

@2nd Pic: Ohhh Ominous. Is that from something?

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There was a comic that came out before Invader Zim from the same creater (Johann something-or-other). It was called Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (JTHM). It was FANTASTIC... all those people you ever thought about tripping in the hallway but didn't because you didn't want to get in trouble... yeah, He doesn't get caught, and he doesn't die.

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There was a comic that came out before Invader Zim from the same creater (Johann something-or-other). It was called Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (JTHM). It was FANTASTIC... all those people you ever thought about tripping in the hallway but didn't because you didn't want to get in trouble... yeah, He doesn't get caught, and he doesn't die.

*whistles* Wow. Some of that stuff is pretty brutal to... and I though it looked a lot like Zim in many respects.

But I love the concept for it. *Grins darkly*

Im sure everyone's had thoughts like that in the past.

LUNCH! I hope...

*Crosses fingers*


@Sketch: Sadly no Fishnets though )=

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