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*Returns from the meeting to find the raging Fell*

Ohh this can't be good.

*hops up on Fells Shoulder*

Thats REALLY lame when they screw up basics like that... communication is really simple to do if you pull your head out of your *ss and just tell the people whats up. *shakes head* Jerks.

And of course being in a lab you can't eat there. Do you have a break coming up any time soon? Time between classes where you can woof down something?

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unfortunately that's not how it work. I have someone who has been assigned to cover my lunch. He is covering In School Suspension today. What my boss fails to take into consideration is that it means I don't get a lunch.

"Just close down the lab" doesn't really work.

Well that sucks. Remind me never to get a job in education! I would consider making it known to your boss that you are not happy about it, if you haven't already. I'm sure there is legislation about breaks and how many hours you can work without one. Well there is in the UK anyway. Kick up enough fuss (but not too much that they want to get rid of you) and I'm sure it won't happen again....

Otherwise I wish i could send some lunch! Or take over for an hour..though i think your students might be gibbering wrecks when you get back! ;)

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A) They were jibbering wrecks when I was done with them.

B) Half of them wont be allowed back for the rest of the weeks

C) F*ck not eating in the lab, I'm having my lunch

D) There are laws, but they're a might fuzzy when applied to civial servants

*Stays on your shoulder but keeps distances from your mouth as you eat lunch*

That really is just stupid of the Admin to do this. They need to care for the teachers as well as the students and you can't deny someone lunch. *shakes head*

But way to go throwing them out! *nods*

Well hopefully your having something good to eat =)

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A) They were jibbering wrecks when I was done with them.

B) Half of them wont be allowed back for the rest of the weeks

C) F*ck not eating in the lab, I'm having my lunch

D) There are laws, but they're a might fuzzy when applied to civial servants

A) Yup, I can believe that!

B) Allowed back by you, or their parents? Or the school!

C) Yay to rebellion.... power to the people. Got anything nice?

D) Heh, The language that just came from your mouth suggests you're not a very 'civil' servant at the moment anyway! ;)

Well, I must be going, hope the rest of the day goes better for you. And I have no idea where that pesky shoulder Neph has got to.... see ya KArn!

EDIT: typical! he posts right above me.....

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Cya AB! Have a good evening!

@Fell: Excellent, they don't want to behave then they shouldn't come back. *nods* no entitlement in that case for the spoiled brats.

It wasn't even a matter of behavior. The group I was most "worried" about was warned as soon as the settled down, and they were kind of surprised at my... forcefulness?

It's actually due to one basic factor: If you don't need to use a computer, you don't need to be in a computer lab. I'm usually kind of lax on that (there are a few who made the "good list" when they started working). But there were several who did NOTHING... even though they were sitting at the computer. So they are on a no fly list.

I'm a mean mean lady; I don't put up with any BS from kids. My expectation is that you will be QUIET and do your work. that simple.

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It wasn't even a matter of behavior. The group I was most "worried" about was warned as soon as the settled down, and they were kind of surprised at my... forcefulness?

It's actually due to one basic factor: If you don't need to use a computer, you don't need to be in a computer lab. I'm usually kind of lax on that (there are a few who made the "good list" when they started working). But there were several who did NOTHING... even though they were sitting at the computer. So they are on a no fly list.

I'm a mean mean lady; I don't put up with any BS from kids. My expectation is that you will be QUIET and do your work. that simple.

Neh your not a mean lady at all, your a strict and forceful one who isn't going to let kids try and walk all over her. The exact right type of person to be a teacher ;)

They should be in the lab to work at the very least. I remember at my HS we had a small computer lab in the library for use. But it was always taken up by kids doing nothing really or just playing games. Talk about annoying when you want to work on a project or something *shakes head*

@Karn: Watch the tail, or loose it *narrows eyes*


*lets tail carefully move off to the side in a manner as to not cause him to lose it*

See? Good tail... *pats his tail*

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