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I am having a lot of trouble with this character. So far, I haven't created a single character concept that I'm excited to play. So I figure if I do some research, make her more real to me, I'll have an easier time playing her. I actually don't know if I'm ALLOWED to play her yet... have to talk to the GM...

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I'm actually looking for a hole... I want my character to be... related to the/a royal family, to give her some weight... maybe... six steps from the throne in the line of succession... but the family trees are so tangled (as is typical in a medieval setting) that I need to do some research to find a spot for her family. At first I was just going to make a whole other sibling (not in the books) who wasn't interested in court or being king, but was close enough to taste it... To make my female chracter more... desirable? *nods* it's as bad as trying to map out the British royals :)

Actually, Abs, I'm looking at the cross between the Targaryen and Baratheon families.... or possibley the Lannister family... any suggestions?

In terms of a character maybe you could be a member of one of the lesser families that have been absorbed into the great families. i don't know much other than the TV series, but there is a lad in the Stark family who was 'adopted' by them after his family were all but wiped out in the wars...Ironsomething I think!

Targaryen...they were the ruling family before the mad king was deposed, is that right? Are they the dragons? If so, that could be good as you would be looking to get the throne back, whether you deserve it or not!

Baratheon....is that the family of the current king? I lose track sometimes in the TV series....Robert is it? of course the game may be set in a completely different period!

That could be interesting, as if they are the current ruling family, they would be fighting to keep hold of the throne! And they are entwined with the lannisters as well....I don't like the Lannisters as they seem to be the treachorous sneaky lot, changing sides in an effort to get closer to the throne. But plenty of scope for a character there if thats the case!

As i said, i haven't read the books, but have considered the game. All my (lack of) knowledge comes from the TV series....so it probably won't help!

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walks in thread with a platter of nachos , guacamole , salsa , and sour cream .

whats up all !

I love all animals , i usually role play druids and rangers . But my most missed pet is the cat I had growing up she was super loyal and awesome .

I am in the process of getting a German Shepard .

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*Watches the GoT discussion fly over his head*

@Fell: Should probably find out if you can play her first heh. But I know your pain, character concept takes me a while to find one I want to actually play.

@Foe: Ohhh sounds good... and now Im hungery....

Huzzah German Shepard! Great dogs if you train them right =)

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walks in thread with a platter of nachos , guacamole , salsa , and sour cream .

whats up all !

I love all animals , i usually role play druids and rangers . But my most missed pet is the cat I had growing up she was super loyal and awesome .

I am in the process of getting a German Shepard .

Mornin! My brother has a German Shepherd that was originally being trained as a police dog, but was too nice!

She is beautiful, well trained and very clever. You will enjoy owning a German Shepherd, no doubt!

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*Watches the GoT discussion fly over his head*

@Fell: Should probably find out if you can play her first heh. But I know your pain, character concept takes me a while to find one I want to actually play.

The last two charcter's I've played (an eight year old Blessed in Deadlands, and my companion/bodyguard in Serenity) were both characters I devised on the first shot (with some knowledge of the game) and loved playing. This game... I'm not so sure I'm gonna like... I'm playing a teenager so I can be somewhat lacking in subtlety and tact... to protect myself from some damage...

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Hello! I return from the silence of the underworld....or something.

So what'd I miss? (Don't really have time to catch up today.)

@ GOT: I've always heard folks talking about those books, but just never got around to reading them. Looking forward to watching the show at some point.

And now...lunch time!

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@Fell: Ahhhh ok I get it now. Yeah that can be a bit of a rough situation when it comes to deciding your char, not being sure if you will like the game. But it sounds like you have a start at least and being the teen will certainly help out a lot. I know next to nothing about GOT ... but it sounds like this game is going to be half about RPing politics >.> Though Im sure there is more to it

@Lobo: Not a whole lot. Teddy can be invisible (spoiler alert! ;D). Other then that, not much happening really. Good to see you return if for a brief period ;D

Enjoy lunch! Off to seek food myself, be back in a few.

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So here is my thought for my blood line:

it is alluded that both sisters of Aegon V (the father of the current Targaryen and Baratheon lines) have children, but their genders are unknown. It is also alluded that Tytos Lannister had two older brothers. So my plan is to have Rhae Targaryen (elder of the two sisters) and the Eldest Lannister son be my grandparents. My father is their eldest son and my mother, an unknown daughter of the Stark line (they have a lot of question marks in their family tree, so it works). I have royal blood from two lines, would be a great bargaining chip for anyone who cares to notice, but I'm far enough away to be forgoten more often than not. This would also give me inheritence from the Lannisters, while keeping the blood sufficently hidden. As it stands, my father would be the Kings Uncle, but I could move myself along my made up family tree to fit the time period.

I know Sketch and Abs are the only ones who have ANY idea what I'm talking about.... but I wanted to put it down on paper...

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Well sounds good from the logistics of it not knowing the families.... makes enough sense to base a character around at least.

So.... what is the Game of Thrones? What is it really about? I'm guessing the struggle between several noble families or something like that?

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Your going to great depth on this character which is awesome , is the group your playing with especially the DM go to the same pains . I have joined groups and came prepared with a very deep character only to find a group of min maxed characters and the dm questioning where lunch is coming from rather than where the characters came from .

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it's a mixed group. I like to do the research because it helps me play my character better. My GM is running the game from moduels. It doesn't allow for <quite> as much rp-ing as I'd like... but it's still fun.

Karn, the idea is that you're in a country called Westros which is broken into seven Kingdoms. There is one King who rules the seven kingdoms, only... he tends to die a lot. So the idea is to have outright battle mixed with battles of wits (intrigues). Everyone is supposed to have a motivation as to why they do what they do.... explained in a back story (court gossip).

The hard part for me is that I want to play a female character... in a medieval setting... which tends to put me at a disadvantage. Why would I be out in the woods with a group of guys? Why would they allow a lady (as I am clearly nobel born) to take up arms? *shrugs*

@Foe: I almost always write up/come up with a back story for my characters... it makes them more believable. Being able to connect myself with the books is important for me. I just have to get it through the GM. :)

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Ahhh I see... sounds like an interesting setting. It doesn't involve the usual Fantasy game aspects like Magic and other Humanoid races does it?

Heh good points about your character though.... I'd have no real idea how to give good answers to them. But good to see you at least think about those points even if the GM may not be on top of them. Plus the research hopefully gets you into the Character and thinking like them, building out the personality etc. etc.

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There are a couple other races, but they aren't really for playing. There is some magic (seers and healers and the like) but they are rare. People with gifts are usually outcasts. It really is all about the politics....

Ahhhh ok. Could still be sorta fun to play one... but yeah I get the point of the setting now. Thanks =D

In other news... stupid computers *kicks his*

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