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Banned from my hotel room.

I'll get whoever your rooming with to sneak one in any way ;D

*blows a raspberry* Shouldn't challenge a woman of Irish descent.... *narrows eyes at you and starts plotting*

*pokes your tongue when you blow the Raspberry and then hides on the other side of your head*

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Oooh, I hadn't considered that my Puppet Avatar might be the Brass Arachnid. Either that or the Large Steampunk Arachnid....hmm...The candle on the back makes me think it's the BA...but....I dunno! Either way it's cool.

And I thought Abs was maybe the Mechanical Attendant at fist, but you're totally right that it's the small Steampunk Arachnid! That's awesome.

*waggles fingers to summon Abs within 6"*


Watches....oddly enough, I used to be the kind of guy who felt naked if I forgot to put on my watch in the morning. Ever since I got an iPhone though, I seem to forget my watch all the time. I'm a pretty schedule oriented person though. Not quite as much as I used to be I guess, as my wife is pretty much the opposite, and has un-trained me a bit.

Camping....ah....love camping. Been too long since I've been camping. Really HATE poison ivy though, and that used to be the only reason I didn't like camping. But now, I have to deal with it in my own darn backyard, so camping has pretty much no downside for me anymore, LOL

@ Karn: aren't Neph supposed to be really good at Kidnapping things anyway? I would think that should give you at least some advantage against Sketch. ;)

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*looks at that ball and chain on your leg and laughs*

I'd say something about pots and kettles here but that could be too mean.

Well I don't really deny it now do I?

*Grins and leans against Fells head but looks down as she spins in the skirt then back to her*

Ohhh Chineese... I wish there was anything near here heh. There is nothing good for lunch in the area.

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