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Thats the problem with todays society, nothing is built to last. Companies make things crap so we have to keep replacing them, swelling their coffers! #rant rant#

Ehh its actually an incredibly durable watch, just that part that sticks out on the side popped off. Probably got caught on something which means bad design because that should be close to flush against the side.

@Fell: Thinking about it, I really don't have much in the way of favorite authors same with music. I like the individual works with a few exceptions (I love Stephen King novels <3 Talisman).

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Ehh its actually an incredibly durable watch, just that part that sticks out on the side popped off. Probably got caught on something which means bad design because that should be close to flush against the side.

@Fell: Thinking about it, I really don't have much in the way of favorite authors same with music. I like the individual works with a few exceptions (I love Stephen King novels <3 Talisman).

Hmmm, I guess I do have certain authors I get all the books by: Terry Pratchett, Terry Brooks, Robert Jordan/B Sanderson for example. But I read so many more different authors. If i pick it up, Like the blurb on the back, I will more than likely skim the first couple of pages.

If its in the style i like and looks interesting, i will either buy it or put it on my xmas list!

Music wise i have favourite bands but I do appreciate most musical styles. Except hardcore dance....i hate it...too fast for my poor brain!

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On a positive note, i just checked MAelstrom games and my Nekima and BB shamans are being packed!!

That means they should be with me next week...woo hoo!!

And to keep Fell happy, I ordered some Guild stuff too...Mechanical Attendant, A second Guardian and a second Hunter.

Up to date with Guild stuff now. Just the Hounds!!

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Back at the office today. How's everyone?

Ok, at work. Crap weather, but personally i am rather happy. What did you put in these brownies Fell?

We did have a studio audience today (see earlier posts) but I think KArn transposed them all somewhere. It looks very empty in here.

So what were you doing yesterday then? Day off, or out and about for work?


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I didn't transposition them all away. I only switched some Nephilim in to make the crowd more interesting.

*looks at the silent audience and motions, they begin to clap and cheer*

See? ;)

@Sketch about half a pint of coffee to low this morning, or maybe my oil needs changing... *checks his engine light* Nope not on....*scratches head*

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Hi Sketch!!! I'm Okay... Jacked my shoulder up... feels like a pinched Nerve, but it could just be muscle strain.... effects Range of Motion, so it's a pain in the A**.

We're talkin' 'bout books. If you like Stephen King (@Karn and Abs) you should TOTALLY read Under the Dome and Duma Key. They were both fantastic books.

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So what were you doing yesterday then? Day off, or out and about for work?


I had a bad pizza... *urp!*

@Sketch about half a pint of coffee to low this morning, or maybe my oil needs changing... *checks his engine light* Nope not on....*scratches head*

At least it's Friday, right?

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I didn't transposition them all away. I only switched some Nephilim in to make the crowd more interesting.

*looks at the silent audience and motions, they begin to clap and cheer*

See? ;)

Ah ha, Maybe there are just too many Nephilim in that crowd. Its making the others nervous! Anyway, We have been blessed with an appearance by the Bear!

#audience cheers and whoops#

A collection is coming around. please donate your cookies and baked goods if you can, he really does appreciate them...

its sooooooo HUMID!!!!!!!!!

hi everyone !

Morning! Humid? Bloomin cold in the UK now!! Have you guys nicked our sun?

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its sooooooo HUMID!!!!!!!!!

hi everyone !

Sooooo glad it's not to humid here. I would be very very miserable ><

@Fell: I'll look those up. I've not read enough of his books honestly, but I've read the Talisman about 7 times over the years. First read it in HS for an English Project and the teacher had to tell me to stop reading it during class which was funny to me XD.

At least it's Friday, right?

Yes... yes it is...

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Holy Crap! I just checked through my Maelstrom account and seen how much I have spent on Malifaux over the last 6 months!!

Though I guess a lot of it has been funded by the sale of most of my GW stuff!

And to top it all off, I am not even playing Malifaux at the moment, yet still keep buying the minis!!

I must be nuts.

@Sketch. I now wish you guys ran a loyalty card scheme! ;)

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Okay, I need some advice, and in order to ask my question, I'm going to tell you about the game a proctored yesterday:

Two Players:

Chris - veteran (about 6 months); plays Ressers ran Mcmorning, Seamus, two crooked men, the chihuahua, four dogs. 4ss, 4bps. Distract, Assasinate(a), Hold Out(a)

Mike - Newb (first game was last night); Plays Gremlins ran Ophelia, Remi, Ralph, Pere, Francois. 8ss (had to discard 1). Treasure Hunt, Bodygaurd (a), Kill Protege (Sebastian)

Corners deployment on a 4x4 table; Ruins + woods terrain.

Mike has 40k experiance. Chris has been playing Malifaux for a long while. I don't really need to tell you guys the details of the whole game. Suffice it to say that The Gremlins were doing very well.

End of Turn 3, points wise, it looked like this:

Ressers had 6 points: No enemy models on Chris's side of the table, and holdout.

Gremlins had 5pts: Remi had the treasure marker, Ophelia was still alive, Sebastian was dead.

Chris is livid because TWICE in this game, Mike flipped the Red Joker for damage, and then flipped a severe afterwards. Chris was also upset because his deck didn't (and according to him, never flips well), and his stuff was dying fast. As a matter of fact, the only things still on the board were the summoned flesh construct and McMourning. The Flesh construct died at the end of the turn.

From my point of view two things should happen this turn: Rami should go to his DZ (so the Gremlins can have 7vp) and McMourning should give himself fast, and walk up to Ophelia and try to kill her (too far away to charge. Instead, Mike activates Rami and kills McMourning (took two shots). He lost the game to kill all his enemies models. I explainded to him, multiple times during the game, that killing all of Chris's models wouldn't aid his cause. He went for it anyway.

So I have three questions (one of which probably belongs somewhere else):

How do I help Chris to not get frustrated? His guys die fast, his cards don't like him, and he feels like everyone else runs crews that are broken. How do I help him past this?

How do I discourage Mike's kill it all behavior without beign a jerk? It seemed really unsportsmanlike to me, and it only made the situation with Chris worse. Is that something should worry about?

If someone's entire crew is killed before turn 6, is that end of the game? Or does the person with models still on the table get to run until the end?

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*Lobo appears in the middle of the stage with a brilliant flash of light and a cloud of smoke*

#audience gasps, then claps and cheers as the smoke clears*

*Lobo takes a deep bow*

Thank you, thank you. But if you enjoyed that, you really should check out Colette Du Bois' Star Theater and then sign up for the AIBWS immediately following. It is MUCH better.

Yeah, but you should have worn the rest of your clothes too! ;)

LOL Good one!

* that would be: Arcanist Indoctrination and Brain Washing Seminar, but you didn't hear it from me.

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