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Yeah...BL has some great stuff, but most of it is brain candy at best.

Kris Longknife is one I'll recommend, it really does have a lot of fun moments in it.

I don't read much BL apart from Gaunts Ghosts and The Heresy series.

Saying that I was impressed with The Angel Exterminatus in the Heresy series...I now have an admiration for the Primarch Perturabo.

Not that I'm turning heretic of course...

---------- Post added at 10:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:29 AM ----------

Ha yeah, at the moment I am too busy reading Wargames rules.... all these new editions.

Tell me about it..on my rules reading table at the moment are:

Apocalypse for 40K

Warmachine mkII

Protectorate of Menoth sourcebook

so a few good lunch hours of reading lol..

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Check out Pariah, from the Bequin series, that was pretty brilliant.

I haven't read a new Heresy book in a long time...lost track of it, then caught up, then tried reading Battle for the Abyss and quit after that, lol. Last one I read was Thousand Sons, which was incredible.

---------- Post added at 05:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:32 AM ----------

Menoth, eh? I loved my little fire starters... if I get around to them, I need to do Epic Feora again. For all the crazy that is the vanes on her armor, I loved that caster, so much fun.

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I do quite like Kreoss....well, better than the others anyway lol!

Assembly may not be an issue as someone local is getting rid of their menoth..and has a painted harbinger..fingers crossed the price is right!

---------- Post added at 10:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:56 AM ----------

Night monkey....

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I really wish I liked the other IT labs better on campus. This fan is really getting annoying.

I always have this passing interest to start a horde force but can never find enough models that work well together to make an army. Don't like Trolls at all, like the beasts for Circle and Everblight but none of the casters appeal to me and don't like most of the infantry, and Minions don't have enough options. Front runner is Skorne, but Makeda is the only one that is really appealing to me. Basically I'd be doing my Khador list but trading massive spike damage and ranged combat, for high speed melee combat. Skorne infantry also looks stupid (mostly the heads), but I think a different colour scheme would fix that.

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Been looking for a start to Warmachine/Hordes for over 2 years now. Just can't find the good faction/army. I want to play Warmachine heavy, without all that silly infantry (its not called Infantrymachine now, right?). But just can't find a good list for it.

Same with Hordes, it all ends up about spamming models from units. Sigh...

O well, will just save my moneys for even more Malifaux!

On a side note, ordered quite some Sarissa Precision buildings for my 'faux tables :) Think I will be running little tournaments at our local club and the winner may name one building. Gives me incentive to paint them as well.

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I really should invest more into my Malifaux terrain. Probably add in another building box to my terraclips, or maybe one of the dungeonrise sets. I think Vaults is the one with good stuff for doing ruined buildings.

*Falls out of bed and stumbles towards the smell of coffee*

Morning all, how's it going?

How's the weather back home, incidentally? Settled down since the heatwave and storm?

I have a rainfall warning, yay rain.

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I'm thinking about making a Vine video about game design. I think I can sum it up in 6 seconds.

The first line of the chorus to the Beastie Boys' "No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn"?

If I played Menoth, I'd have to name my largest 'jack Trogdor and add a big muscular action figure arm to one side of it *grin*

OK, Redd, here's my question for you- let's say Wyrd gave you a leave of absence to work on a product for any other game company. What would it be?

I have nearly broken my brain mathhammering Gore Chariots vs. Fight Wagons in this beginner's guide to Orcs...the summary is this:

1 Chariot = good. Unit of 3 Chariots = decent but a Gore Rider Troop is better and cheaper. Unit of 6 Chariots = too expensive for what it does.

1 Fight Wagon = not very good. 3 Fight Wagons = still not that great, a Gore Rider Regiment costs the same and performs better. 6 Fight Wagons = very expensive but mulches units, especially if it can flank one (72 d6 at 3+ to hit will kill anything).

---------- Post added at 11:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:07 AM ----------

Other than minor color or sculpt variants (like say, a no-helmet version of a character, or an extra weapon option, or a new color scheme for a normal model) I tend to loathe convention exclusives. They punish people who would buy the models but can't drop the bank needed to get there, or don't happen to have friends who will go.

I am so glad Wyrd lets everyone order the exclusive models that weekend.

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Yeah, that's what they're doing, Dust. Max and Miriya are in the rulebooks, but they're doing convention limited sculpts for it.

ttgosadow, if you want to run Jack heavy, take a look at Amon. All you need is a choir, the covenant and maybe a flameguard wall, otherwise take tons of jacks and have fun. :)

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