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You mean this duck?


XD I have no idea otherwise.

@Siege Tank: Well it's Scifi! They have an understanding of science that we don't so of course it is possible. Pffttt. Anything is possible once you understand the laws of physics are simply a suggestion. *winks and inverts gravity around Lobo*

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@Siege Tank: Well it's Scifi! They have an understanding of science that we don't so of course it is possible. Pffttt. Anything is possible once you understand the laws of physics are simply a suggestion. *winks and inverts gravity around Lobo*

Blast it...forgot I had to do my Differential Equation using Malifaux physics. That always gets me.

*struggles to grab pencil and paper as he drops them and zip off into the upper atmosphere*

As for the duck....hmm...can't see your photo. Darn work filter probably.

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on a seperate note:


I just slammed my finger in a drawer :(

Oohhhh >< *winces and flicks his hand for an ice pack to appear in it before giving it to Fell*

don't hold your breath Foe *ducks and grabs Karn to use as a shield*
*IS A SHIELD! ......Gleams*

Long meeting ! .... Does that mean terraclips is almost ready for us !
I think Terraclips are going to be the real end of the world... a modular terrain system so awesome and simple that reality simply can not handle it! So each opened box will cause a black hole to form and slowly but surly the earth will be sucked into the silent darkness that is Wyrds genius. @.@
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Which would TOTALLY not work unless the tank had some sort of mad brake system. Sigh...designers with no real-world design experience, LOL. Does look cool though.

On that note....hmmm...seems as though my tank is being used for unnatural purposes....

*waggles fingers...all of the pieces of the tank spontaneously break apart from each other into a swirling mass of nuts, bolts, and sheet metal*

*swirling mass coalesces into Lobo's hand, and after some fancy hands swirling in circles...*

Look...a duck!

(name that quote :vb_tongue: )

I LOL'd :D

Yep I'm still a duck

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Okay guys, I'm out for a bit... Have to work later.. so I'll be on...

BTW the Judge is finally done (only took me a week!)

*watches everyone look confused* on the Wiki.... *pouts off*

*waves* Cya Fell =)

I saw! Good job, I'm glad there is progress to be had =)

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*waves* Cya Fell =)

I saw! Good job, I'm glad there is progress to be had =)

I know, I just noticed that Marcus STILL doesn't have anything written up for him yet. So I will work on fixing that this afternoon! I may not be proficient with him, but I know enough to work through his page for now.

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