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It seems to have become my default happy time wasting game for when I can't be bothered playing something fast or complex. And I'm sure I get a rush of endorphins everytime that large red injury cross appears over an opponent.

We should play sometime. I just got it for the same reason.

Of course, that's assuming I ever get away from my addiction current game of choice, Skyrim...

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These days, between my tabletop habit and real life, my video gaming budget is limited. Therefore, with a game like Skyrim, I like to squeeze as much play out of it as possible.

The argument I read online about Hearthfire was right though- Skyrim's marriage and child-adoption options should have more depth a la Dragon Age: Origins or something. You can't be intimate- I don't mean porn, I mean you can't even give your wife or husband a goodbye kiss or talk about your future. All they'd need to show <ahem> relations with the spouse could just be the classic movie trope "sit on the bed, kiss, smile, kiss again, pan up to sunrise/sunset as the couple slowly lies down." It doesn't have to be too blatant.

The kids don't grow at all and they all have the same creepy face. The spouse is content to sell and buy stuff from you and say hello/goodbye. The dialogue options with the kids yield different reactions but they don't have any effect beyond watching the scripted reaction play and a small temporary bonus. It's cool having a semi-custom house with 2 kids and a dog (and the steward and housecarl are like nannies, I suppose), but I have to make the rest up in my head. I don't know if anything special happens to your kids if you are always mean to them, or always nice. Mostly nice so far hasn't done much.

Even Fable 2 had the mechanic where if you returned home fairly often and brought gifts, your spouse and kid would be happy and if you neglected them they'd be mad at you or even get sick and die.

How hilarious would that be to find out your character's lonely wife has been cheating with your housecarl? Or if your kids acted like brats if you spoiled them and then suddenly stopped? It wouldn't have to be too grim- just something to show that actions have consequences.

Time to look for some mods, perhaps...

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Why would anyone want that much reality in a game. No wife (or husband) and kids in my game please. Even a house is just a useful space to store some rubbish that you're sure you'll use one day but never get around to it. I remember the house in Morrowind where I have every bit of table surface and most of the floor covered in items.

I don't have any of the Skyrim DLC, one year I'll get the game of the year edition when it is dirt cheap in a sale.

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You guys aren't harrumphing enough :P

You don't have to do either. It's 100% optional in both games (mostly- let's just say in Fable 2 marriage does sometimes include children).

I guess the dating sim aspect of that sort of thing doesn't bug me unless it overtakes the main part of the game- in gameplay terms it should be an optional break between quests, not the crux of the game.

I guess my point is this- if they are going to offer a spouse option (already in the base game, btw- only the kid adoption is a new addition), it should be more than a "well, x game had marriage in it, so we better shoehorn it in, too." Either make the family more than house decorations, or just skip it (Oblivion did). Older games have done it, and done it well enough to make it interesting- other than a time crunch, there's no reason why they couldn't have added a little more to the family options.

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Which is why I dont like them! If they're just there they tend to be really bad, if they're really good then I feel dev time should have been spent elsewhere.

Plus I reallllly dont want realism in these sorts of games. I mean, if you have a wife and kids in skyrim that you have to really take care of, why can you still sell 10,000 daggers to the local blacksmith? That should ruin that towns economy! Which I'd love to see. But I couldnt because they spent all their time making children instead of collapsible economies

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I'm still waiting for my child race mod. I loved the look of the Children of the Wasteland mod for Fallout 3, but could never get it to work. There's just something about taking on the role of a child in a cruel and hostile world that I find compelling.

But as it stands I have way too many characters, and haven't even finished the main quest.

One of my favourite characters is still my NPC inspired by The Elder Strolls series. He walked everywhere, wore normal clothes, ate, slept, only had a pickaxe to defend himself with and spent all his gold on a pet goat which was more attractive than him =] I had to run through the opening quests just so dragons would roam around, but it was suprisingly more rewarding.

I think they'd be best spending time making an extra mode like Fallout New Vegas' Hardcore Mode. Have a team do all the cool bits of realism (survival needs, economy, etc) and just have it as its own package that can be ignored by anyone wanting a generic hack'n'slash. I'd also like to see more race distinctions like not being allowed to buy a house in Skyrim because you're Khajit and everyone things you're vermin. There's so many little things that could add up to a whole new level of greatness.

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On one hand, I am impressed by some of the better mods (jaysus swords, for one- gorgeous, mostly historical based, and only slightly overpowered in some specific cases). On the other hand, I'm disappointed that game developers can't just do some of those things themselves. On the third hand, games like Skyrim are so freaking huge that they can't get everything in there. Eventually the core engines used to power these games are going to be so good that any two-bit house will be able to put out a fancy sandboxer.

It's one reason I am not sure I want to play sandbox games on anything but PC anymore (well, that and aiming with the mouse)- mods increase replay value tremendously. I just found out about the Morrowrim project, which aims to recreate Morrowwind in the Skyrim engine.

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As much as I appreciate the sandbox, the glitches it seems to produce really kill play value for me. Quest items disappearing, backwards flying dragons, bucket thief tricks... all just push me towards pseudo sandboxes like Arkham Asylum/City.

As for giving me a town, judge it on what character Im playing

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